Saturday, 29 May 2010

Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Cake!

Yikes!!! I've been catapulted into the twenty-first century by the arrival of a small rather cute laptop. It followed close on the heels of a strange box which sits beside the television and whose doings are a total mystery to me. I've never been a gadget person, even my kitchen is more a place of arcane ritual and ancient artefacts than a space age stainless steal wonderland, as seen on all the best cookery shows. As a means of honing my computer skills I am resolved to record my daily doings and inflict them regularly upon an unsuspecting world!You have been warned!

My son is hosting a birthday party here tomorrow so I just made a huge chocolate layer cake. Have you ever noticed how messy cooking with chocolate is, it gets on everything, it gets on you, even things at the other end of the kitchen are daubed with the wretched stuff. Casual passers by carry it into the sitting-room I even found some in the bathroom...I think. Now for the recipe.

6oz butter or margarine (if you must)
6oz self raising flour
6oz caster sugar
3 eggs
1.5 teaspoons of baking powder

As long as the butter is soft you can bung the whole lot in a bowl and beat for three minutes. Divide between two greased and lined 8” cake tins and bake for 30 minutes at 180c. Now it really gets messy.

For the frosting.
8oz dark chocolate
2 tablespoons of milk
1 pound icing sugar
8oz butter.....................don't try this if you are on a diet.
2 teaspoons of vanilla essence.........or you can ponce about with a vanilla pod if you prefer.

Melt the chocolate with the milk in a bowl over a saucepan of hot water.
Cream butter and sugar and vanilla,cool chocolate a little and add to the butter cream,beat well.

When the cake has cooled spread lots on one of the sponges and sandwich together.
Spread more on the rest of the cake;you should have some left so pop it in the fridge and we can use it to sandwich biscuits together on Monday. You can decorate the cake with chocolate shavings chocolate buttons walnuts....go mad have fun.

I hope tomorrow is sunny, it's rained all day and I need to get into the garden to see if our resident badger has dug up the lettuces again - if anyone has a suggestion as to how to stop their vendetta I should be very happy.

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