Granny had not exactly been brought up to do the cooking and as a consequence almost everything she made was inedible,however she had been taught to make fancy dishes such as junkets,jellies,and sauces all of which were excellent. Here is a simple mint sauce recipe which everyone loves.
Large bunch of fresh mint
2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
1 tablespoon of pure malt vinegar
boiling water.
Wash the mint, remove the leaves form the stalks and then chop finely. Place in a bowl and add the sugar and the vinegar then pour on the hot water to the strength you require.
More or less sugar can be added to suit your taste.
If bottled this sauce will keep in a refrigerator for about a week.
1 cup chopped mint leaves
1 cup pure malt vinegar
4 Tablespoons granulated sugar
2Tablespoons water.
Finley chop a large bunch of mint. Pour the vinegar in to a sauce pan add the water and bring to the boil. Sterilise jars by placing in a cool oven and bringing the temperature up to 135OC and scald and dry the lids.
When the vinegar is boiling add the sugar and stir until it is all dissolved them add the mint and return to the boil.
Once boiling point has been reached quickly pour the liquid in to the hot jars and put on the scalded lids. This will keep for several months in the refrigerator
1 Large bunch of mint
Cold water
Ice cube trays
wash and chop the mint finely them mix with water to form a thick paste. Spoon in to ice cube trays and freeze at once. Once frozen solid the cubes can be stored in a bag.
Place four cubes of frozen mint in to a bowl add sugar to taste then pour on sufficient vinegar and sugar to make a pouring sauce. A little boiling water may be added if necessary.
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