Sunshine all day and balmy summer nights have been very much appreciated by Twiggy our cat who has practically lived out of doors of late. Hours of her time have been spent snoozing in the long grass, snoozing in the shrubbery, snoozing in her very own tree house and occasionally waking for a while to roll about languorously among the cat mint plant which is now flatter than a fluke!
Her nights have been spent sitting in an open window observing the peregrinations of the nocturnal creatures and catching the occasional mouse of even the odd moth.
Yesterday the heavens opened , the rains came and poor old puss sat disconsolate in the window staring out through the murky light at the sodden garden.
During a short lull she essayed a quick foray in to the orchard but the grass there is long in places so her fur was soon soaked,then a sudden downpour of rain carried horizontally across the garden by a strong wind sent her streaking for the door and I let her in. Poor little cat, she sat on the door mat with an expression of disgust on her face which was unmistakable,having registered her disapproval she stalked off up stairs to my bedroom parked in top of my bed and refused to budge.
Morning brought little change and during the early hours Twiggy and I watched as the rain fell in torrents filling the lane with deep puddles and rattling spattering upon the window. Returning from work on his last night shift for a week my son ,soaked to the skin when he entered my room had on his face the exact expression displayed yesterday by et cat. Hot coffee soon restored his good humour and we were soon setting the table for a breakfast of pipping h porridge and toast and marmalade with a large pot of tea,a winter breakfast but who cares about that?
Showery would best describe the afternoon, showery meant that both Twiggy and myself were in and out lake a pair of yoyo's until at last we both gave up and remained in doors, she curled up on my bed again and I in the kitchen where I made a real high tea instead of dinner as my son needed an early night. At four thirty we sat down to a plate of hot sausage rolls, hot cheese scones, herb hot herb and mustard soda farls with baked vine tomatoes and large plate of home made cup cakes ,there was very little left by the time we had finished our meal.
While we were eating one of out foxes sat on the wall outside the kitchen window looking in at us as we ate. It was our vixen, a lovely creature with a more delicate face than the male and as slim in stature as he is stocky, she receive a warm cheese scone with grace and had no fear at all. Her appearance at diner time was odd and I wondered at it until Pa told me that he had forgotten to feed the foxes last night,as a rule we never miss so I suppose she came to remind us. I love the bond between us, there is something almost magical about the place which makes it easy to befriend the creatures who share our garden , there is a sense of peace and of safety,may it last forever.
The rain has stopped and the wind has dropped away,in the garden all is quiet and Twiggy I observe from my bedroom window has once more taken up her favoured position among the herbage. How lovely she is and so very much loved, happy again in her garden in which she like us is blessed.
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