Whoopee ,yippee,hooray and hallelujah we are back on line at last. So much has happened since my last blog that I have decided not to run back numbers as Some how it does n9t seem current.
To begin with we now have a fabulous new wet room,beautifully tiled and perfect in every way. Our downstairs lavatory has been a huge hit and it means that I mead not use the stairs as often and Pa only once when he has his evening shower.
Next Monday the stair-lift will be installed after which I need never worry about pa falling down stairs ever again....or myself if it comes to that.
The builders were wonderful and we have made new friends, I can not say that it was not a little fraught at times but by and large the whole thing went very well. While the builders were knocking about I reclaimed the small windowed room which has been used as a wardrobe,it is now a pretty little en suite sitting room with a window seat and a wonderful view out over the orchard.
Everything should be perfect but when I tell you that our no good low down double dealing rat of an Estate Manager is once again applying for permission to build houses on my garden you will understand why I am not entirely happy. What makes it worse is that he came to tell us this on the day he work was finished so that when we should have been celebrating we were in fact planning our objection....again!
Still I cannot help but be light of heart when I hear Pa singing happily in the shower or sitting in the comfy chair I brought for him to sit wrapped in a huge bathrobe and drinking his ovaltine after his shower, he loves it all and I am glad for it.
Strawberry jam season has just about finished and my strawberry crop has been a total failure due to the wet weather gooseberries have been plentiful however and the first OT the summer raspberries have been steeped in vodka ready for Christmas festivities and charity auctions.
I do not know how long our internet connection will last but having grown tired of Virgin Media’s intermittent service we have signed up to BT home hub which should be installed by July 12 and hopefully by September we shall have cable in our area,can't wait!
I have missed writing and yet it has almost been a blessing that I could not publish as my time has been so very short,power cuts,no gas and quite often no water for prolonged periods has meant late meals and the palaver of trooping one by one next door for a bath has been very time consuming indeed.
Twiggy loves her new cat house and now she can spend even wet days in her beloved garden warm and dry with her delicate little paws tucked into a snug fleece.
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