With our internet connection intermittent to say et least and the unexpected arrival of the builders the past week has been eventful. All seems to be going well except for the early mornings which are killing poor old Pa and the fact that my poor son has been trying to sleep through what has sounded like ten deaf blacksmiths playing “The Anvil Chorus”. In fact he has slept rather better than anyone could have hoped but unfortunately has has succumbed to a nasty tummy bug which seems to be doing the rounds. All I can say is thank the Gods that it did not happen earlier in the week when the loo was disconected for the afternoon!
Converting the under stairs pantry in to a lavatory has proved to be life changing for Pa who in future will only have to manage the stairs once a day to take a shower. Our team of builders,plumbers, plasterers and electricians are wonderful, they are thoughtful, kind and always pleasant. One of the plumbers saw me trying to haul a hose between the gardens and when I returned he had fitted a new tap in exactly the right place so that I shall never have to struggle again. I almost cried with relief. The electrician fitted extra power points in convenient places, again this was not in their specs, they just decided that they wanted to help. We have been very lucky and I shall miss the boys when they go, they all love shortbread and buttered toast so I can return their kindness, with tea and cookies or breakfast now and then.
My poor son has spent the day in bed having worn out the landing carpet between his room and the loo during the whole of last night, by this morning he looked ghastly and has eaten nothing for days. Next week he is not working and so I hope that he has a chance to recover before he returns to work, also the builders will be gone soon so he the will be able to get some decent sleep.
Today being Fathers Day I gave Pa a slap up breakfast while my son drank weak tea in his room,the Fathers Day feast has been postponed until such time as we can all enjoy it. Tomorrow the builders will be back and hard at work to finish the shower room which will be a great relief all round. To begin with the bath in the house next door is so deep that neither Pa or myself dare sit down for fear of needing the fire brigade to extract us. Worse still we keep on being interrupted by the estate agent showing round prospective clients which it most disconcerting for all concerned. Yes it will be good to have the wet room ready for use,at the moment the bathroom floor is full of large holes and the plasterers have been hard at work.
Moving the lavatory from one place to another caused much merriment and further mirth may well be caused by the fact that it is now placed directly in the window area so that the view of the grave yard is excellent, Lord only knows what the view from the grave yard is like, methinks frosted glass may be in order ! Now I am up to date I think and internet permitting I shall keep you informed as to our progress,and now being fairly certain that the blasted estate agent will be by now either at home or in the pub I shall venture to take a bath next door...wish me luck!
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