Friday, 24 August 2012


Today's trip to hospital was very mush a case of “Do you want the good news first or the bad news.” I have had problems with my kidneys for long time as a result of which both kidneys are damaged,the recent problem has been the onset of kidney stones and the infections they have caused.

Kidney stones can be extremely painful and during the past couple of years I have had recurring bouts of this nasty affliction, due to a series of administrative screw ups the result of an ultra sound examination and an M.R.I were lost. Last November I was admitted to hospital as an emergency with a severe infection and an stone which had become lodged in the urethra.

Soon after this more scans were doe and I was assured that I should see a consultant early in the new Year....due to a number of administrative screw ups the appointment never arrived and it has taken until today to finally have the follow up appointment which I should have received last May!

Well, the good news is that in spite of everything there has been no significant further damage to the kidneys, and this really is good news since one kidney not functioning and the other is damaged. Today I saw the x rays and scan,it came as a shock to see how odd both kidneys looked, they were pitted here and there and lumpy,both were a very odd shape indeed.

That was the good news, the bad news is that as the remaining stones are ,at the moment causing no trouble my consultant thinks it would not be wise to try to remove them by any means and risk causing more damage. While I am happy to avoid the painful treatment and the endless treks to Charring Criss to receive it it dose mean that at any time and without warning the dreadful pain will return......the only question is when?

Unsettling as this problem is another piece of news I received at the hospital worried me even more and that is the Governments plan to close our A&E. We had been told previously that our hospital was safe and that Ealing would be the one to close and while I am convinced that both should remain open I would obviously prefer the one closest to my home (just a few hundred yards) to remain open.

Naturally I signed the forms and also took a bunch of leaflets for our neighbours who also believe our hospital to be safe.
An early start and three hours at hospital took its toll and I confess to being absolutly shattered, my son ,like the good sort he is ordered take away for us all as by dinner time I could barely stand.

One thing my consultant stressed was the need to go directly to hospital should I have any further problems,another infection would be dangerous . Thank the Gods that we now have our stair lift ,wet room and down stair loo. Last November I was afraid to leave Pa alone and so I attempted to stick it out until my sons week of nights was over , I cannot afford to do this again,and thanks to the new living aids it should not be necessary.

Twiggy crossed swords with an enormous toad today.....the toad won!

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