Wednesday, 14 November 2012



These luxurious little treats will keep in a refrigerator for three days and so are best made near to the big day, they make a wonderful addition to the Christmas table,can be flavoured with mint,vanilla or rum and make a great gift to your hostess if you are invited out over the Holiday.

I have found this recipe invaluable for last minute gifts and lets face it we all forget someone in the merry Christmas muddle!


50g almonds chopped

100g plain chocolate

100g ground almonds

30ml double cream

75g caster sugar

a few drops of vanilla

grated chocolate of chocolate vermicelli for coating and and toss over heat until brown, remove from the pan at once to prevent over browning. Break the chocolate into small pieced and melt in a bowl over a pan of hot water.

Remove the bowl from the pan and add all the other ingredients with the exception of the chocolate vermicelli and mix to a stiff paste. Roll into small balls ans toss at once in the grated chocolate or vermicelli. You can buy tiny paper cases for these sweets if you wish ,I prefer to serve them in a chilled bon- bon dish or on a pretty plate. As a gift a paper bag tied with a bit of pretty ribbon gives a special look to a very simple gift.

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