Hot sunshine is
everyone’s wish in summertime, particularly in the school holidays
when children ,pent up indoors must otherwise be entertained. I am as
partial to sunshine as anyone .but must admit that I have found the
recent excessive heat rather draining.
Raised in the High Peak
I am more used to cooler air and anything from a gentle breeze to a
force eight storm;only once,back in 1976 do I remember such heat
affecting the moorlands which were then my home.
Today's rain is ,to me,
very welcome,even though it has made for a sticky heat uncomfortable
during the day and unbearable at night. It is welcome because the
fruit trees are in sore need of a good drink!
In the orchard here the
Bramley apples are almost ready to pick ,incidentally you can tell
this when the fruit comes away easily from the tree when you twist
the apple stalk slightly and pull.
The fruit although
almost ready to pick is still quite likewise the blackberries are
small and seedy instead of plump and juicy;damsons too are ripening
fast but are still small.
Lack of rain is the
cause and this is why I am glad for today’s rain. Our fruit
trees,on a good year supply many people in the village with
jams,chutneys and jellies and our friends with a variety of alcoholic
beverages at Christmas and other special occasions.
Last year the apple
crop failed and the damson crop was poor due to late frosts and
weather too wet for bees to pollinate the blossom,this year,with luck
we shall have plenty and to spare.
I had occasion to go
into the village this afternoon and come home drenched but
cooler,which was great, unfortunately whenever my hair becomes damp
it curls and forms a kind of mop,a style hardly suitable for someone
my age.
A more pleasant side
effect of the rain has been the company of cats,our two of course and
also a neighbours ginger Tom cat,Harry who has practically moved in
with us. He recently spent two weeks in a cattery while his owners
were on holiday,the identical moment he returned he made a bee line
for our kitchen and has been a fixture ever since.
Today he slept on Pa's
huge leather chair during the afternoon while Twiggy slept on the
windowsill,they seem amicable and there was no sign of trouble even
when he visited Moth upstairs. They touched noses,almost a kiss, and
the Harry helped himself to moths dish of crunchies, a typical male,
but oh,so lovable.
A roast beef dinner
made a welcome change from salads and I cannot help thinking of all
the lovely dishes I make in Autumn,the pheasant,rabbit and wood
pigeon pies,and of course the wonderful Dutch apple cake,beloved of
the whole family made with the fruit from our own tree.
Earlier this year we
had feared the the tree would have been cut down by now to make way
for the proposed new houses and we all rejoice that this was not so.
I trust and hope that this lovely old tree will be spared indefinably
for its delightful shade,its sweet spring blossom and of course the
valuable fruit, finger crossed.
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