Thursday, 20 March 2014


Finding myself rather more awake than I have been for some time,and able to sit at my desk I thought I would just pop in and have a gossip.
My good news is that I am to have my operation sometime in May,you may imagine my feelings as I await the day.

A stay in hospital will be necessary of course but hope that it will only be for a few days.
Having failed to convince my G.P. That a clash of medication has cause my recent illness,I have set about taking measures in to my own hands.
I have stopped taking several tablets altogether ,others I am taking in reduced doses, the far.... has been encouraging.

The dreadful swelling in my legs has reduced considerably as have similar swellings in other areas,the sheer weight of which was preventing me from standing up for more that a few moments,and making walking almost impossible.

I feel so light ,and well I might for the weight loss has been quite marked, I am not so exhausted and much less sleepy. Taking a rest in the afternoon seems to be vital at the moment ,days when I do not I suffer for it the following day. For me, any improvement is cause for celebration and I hope my experiment continues to go well.

That's enough of the depressing stuff.

Has n,'t the weather bee glorious, the warm sunshine has brought out bumble bees and the cat Harry spent a merry morning casing them all over the front garden. A Brimstone moth, always an early flier disported itself among the ivy leaves in the afternoon sun.

In the shelter belt the Horse Chestnuts sticky buds have broken in to vivid green leaf and everywhere Hawthorn leaves are appearing, Try adding some to a green salad ,they are lovely and peppery. (Ransoms,) wild garlic abounds and is ,making a welcome addition to our soups ,stews and salads.

My son has practically taken over the kitchen, and a fine job he is making of feeding us all. A succession of fine breakfasts followed by delicious evening meals has flowed from his hands and I confess myself astonished at how much he knows.

Soups, stews, roasts and pies all freshly prepared and much appreciated by those who eat them.
Not having to worry about the cooking has contributed greatly to my peace of mind, making it much easier for me to get the rest which the doctor ordered.

In spite of all this he has managed to publish another book in the “Alamo” series which has been so well received by his readers that he is now in the top 100 sci- fi writers.

His new “Sword and sorcery” book has just come out in paperback and more will follow shortly.

Although I am very much in the state of having to take one day at a time I have hopes that I have turned a corner, buoyed up by the excitement of my sons success, and more important still, his happiness, and cared for so lovingly how can I help but improve.

I have much to be thankful for and believe me when I tell you that I can never be grateful enough for the good things which life has blessed my family and my home.

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