Friday, 1 August 2014


Here I am,back just once more ,after which “Avies Small World” will be no more for within a few short days I shall be leaving my old home for ever.
There is little left now of the lovely kitchen garden,the Damson tree is cut down,the strawberry patch is over grown and the bulldozers have laid waste to everything else. Only the old apple tree has survived the developers zeal and is heavy with ripening fruit .

A high fence has been put in place to separate us from the orchard and now I can only see it through a small window in my bedroom,truly,I prefer not to look.

My worsening health has kept me from even the smallest gardening task,so I had thought to watch my beloved Bee Garden become overgrown,but no, my sweet lovely and remarkably kind young neighbour has kept it looking wonderful,mowing the grass,edging the paths and battling with the weeds. Bless her dear heart,she is a new mum,works part time and yet still finds a little time to help me,I have no words to express my gratitude.

About a month ago a much needed knee replacement was cancelled because my health was not good enough to permit surgery, my disappointment was profound,I cried for about a week,,,,what a wuss!!!!

You see I really have very little to cry for,thanks entirely to my dear son .Soon he will be moving to a lovely country house in deepest rural Shropshire and to my everlasting joy and amazement he is insistent that Pa and I go with him.

He has found a beautiful home for us all,there is even a ready built tree house for Twiggy to compensate her for the one she lost when the Damson tree was felled.

Eleven days from now I shall be sitting in the garden of my new home and I can scarce believe my good fortune, It is as if a good fairy gave me three hundred wishes and honoured all of them.

I shall miss my small world, but it is a world which exists now only in my minds eye and in the many photographs taken over the years.
I shall miss my friends whose kindness to me during the past months has been far beyond the call f duty!

I shall make new friends ,and with the help of a gardener to do the heavy work I hope, by next Spring to be pottering about in my greenhouse sowing the seeds of a new kitchen garden.
I hope to enjoy using the wonderful range cooker in my new kitchen and I hope with all my heart to begin a new blog,a blog which like this one captures the days small triumphs and tragedies of an ordinary family.

It will be a true country blog filled with the changing seasons and the joys that go therewith.
All my happiness as a child stemmed from living in the countryside,now,at last Avie is going home.

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