Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Crack of dawn found me making coffee for my son who had an unconscionably early medical appointment,to say that both of us were bleary eyed does not do justice to the gooseberries in syrup appearance we shared . Temptation whispered “Go back to bed.” as soon as he left but a busy day beckoned and so I began the task of waking Pa and making beds.
Breakfast , which we ate on my sons return was of hot buttery crumpets and English muffins
washed down with hot strong tea. Regaling us with the details of his check up it came as no surprise what ever that his doctor had advised him to give up working night shifts,his health is suffering and I agree with his GP , it is time to quit.
Once breakfast was over and the kitchen cleared I telephoned the computer repair man and arranged for him to come at two to have a look at the old girl, a lap top recently acquired from my some. Morning post had brought with it seventeen pounds worth of gardening club tokens so off I went to buy some plants.
Sweet peas, Pa's favourite looked good and I brought three varieties, about sixty young plants and all for just £3.98. next I purchased and assortment of six wild flower plants foe £10.00, the plants were well grown and a bargain at the price.
Choosing is never easy and it took me quite a time to decide upon Ladies Bedstraw, Salad Burnett, Cats Ear, Black Knot Weed, White Bladder Campion and Night Flowering Catch Fly., these will mix in well with the other wild flowers in our front garden. Although the layout might be said to be formal it is more in the nature of a knot garden and supports a healthy mix of wild flowers, herbs and perennials all chosen to bring bees , butterflies and moths in to the garden.
Arriving back home with my purchases I discovered that the computer repair man had arrived early and had our temperamental lap top in bits on the kitchen table, we gave him coffee, shortbread and blueberry muffins and while he worked away I telephoned the conservation group secretary with some good news. While at the garden centre I was approached by one of the staff who told me that she had quite a large party interested in our butterfly release day in April. I had mentioned it to a friend who works there and of course she discussed it with others who now wish to attend, its wonderful that so may are interested.
While the man tinkered with the lap top I made a date and cherry cake, the cake tin being ,empty and just as he was leaving another friend arrived to discuss our conservation area and the trees which we are planting there. These include a rare Black Poplar, we shall soon be placing the nest boxes and more bat boxes in the area.
Our lap top went home with the repair man to have a new hard drive fitted and will be returned on Friday evening. With the kitchen smelling wonderfully of date and cherry cake I went out to take a quick look at the conservation site and I must say there has been a lot of work done there in the past week or two.
Absolutely shattered I prepared our evening meal of bacon and eggs , grilled tomatoes. Mushrooms oat cakes and cheese, we were all hungry as breakfast had been rather earlier that usual. Warm date and cherry cake made a lovely afters and as soon as the dishes were done decided to relax for a while Pa had been asleep for a good deal of the afternoon and even my son had spent a couple of hours lying on his bed,
Since I had been on my feet all day I got first dibs for the bathroom sand enjoyed a good long soak. Now at last I can stop for the day and take it easy for a while,I did enjoy the day though, it was the kind of busy which I like, lots of fun and no real problems. May there be many more.
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