Thursday, 2 February 2012


Thursday is often a day of chores but today was busier than usual as ISCAG is holding a meeting tomorrow and so of course my son and I shall attend. Frankly is is damned inconvenient for both of us but fat too important to miss.

With a freezing wind blowing the garden looks(Shrammed ) as they say where I come from. The cat Twiggy has spent the entire day looking out of my bedroom window with her feet toasting on the radiator and her back against a lava lamp. Our handsome dog fox has spent a good deal of his day in our garden and this has kept the cat amused especially when the cat Diamonds stroll down the garden path as if he owned the place and was jolted out of his complacency by the sight of our tame fox.
Diamonds slunk away, the fox had not even noticed his arrival but twiggy was beside herself.
She is not overly fond of either of them so quite whose side she was on I cannot tell, but it was fun to watch her reaction to the drama. Foxy settled down under a St Johnswort bush and Twiggy settled down to watch but as nothing more happened they both fell asleep, and why not?
None of us felt much like venturing outside today in spite of the bright sunshine, my son was busy with his writing, I with the cleaning and Pa spent a couple of hours finding his desk!Dinner tonight was a ham,leek and potato pie using of course some of yesterdays joins cut in to chunks and all under a crust of buttery puff pastry. With plenty of left over stock I was able to make a rich gravy to accompany the dish which was served with root vegetables and peas.

Snow is forecast for the weekend and I hope we do get some as I love snow. I dare not voice this wish as my son has games On Saturday and Sunday so if the weather is bad some of the players my not be able to attend. One the subject of my son, I am, getting very concerned about his health,he is under a great deal of pressure and in my opinion something has got to give and soon. I feel that in the not too far distant future someone will catch him in a bad moment and will get a right royal roasting.
Taking after his mama as he does my son does not suffer fools gladly and it is therefore unfortunate that at the momet his lot is cast among some of the most unfathomable ninnies I ever heard of. In honour of him and is hard working team I give you Landor's immortal couplet.
“Hail, you indomitable heroes' hail
In spite of all your generals, ye prevail.

Seriously though I wish him out of the place with all my heart before he cracks up completely. He works far too hard and he cares far too much. I should like to have some of these characters to myself in a quiet office for half an hour, I promise you they would have a much better understanding of their short comings afterwards!
In my time I have run a theatre company a landscape gardening business and several high end shops and I must say that if I had treated my staff as these clowns do the owners would have fired my ass pronto, and quite right too. I always made it a point to fully understand any business I became involved in. Basic, yes but not so obvious that many mangers are just too plain arrogant to bother with such trifles. I wonder how this crowd would get on in a brewery?
With that thought I shall leave you , keep warm and safe, good night.

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