Thursday, 13 September 2012


Once again I was the first one out of bed, the deafening snores of the menfolk rang in my ears and vibrated through the house as I made coffee for all. Feeling as if a truck had hit me I went to wake my son,it was past nine and we were expecting a grocery delivery.

Normally I would tidy my room and make the bed as I drank my coffee......not today, I flopped back into bed, flaked out again and the next thing I knew it was ten O clock!

Pa too was still sleeping and my poor son,emerged zombie like from his room declaring that he felt like hell! It was a dozy bunch of sleepy heads who sat down for breakfast this morning,I elected to make Scotch crumpets in with the faint hope that the mental exercise would wake me did nothing of the kind.

We had just finished breakfast when the groceries arrived, on unpacking we found the usual cock ups,the wrong deodorant....I hate roll ons.... the wrong bacon....we only buy dry cured...and a free pot of,would you believe it Lurpack Light!!!! How the hell do you make low fat butter?Who the hell would buy the stuff? Why when I never,ever buy low fat spreads of any kind did they send it to me? If the supermarket spent its time getting the order right instead of sending out such junk it would be well.

By this time it was obvious that all three of us were feeling the worse for wear and that niether a good breakfast nor copious cups of strong coffee had helped one little bit,it was, as my Granny used to say “In for the day.”

At about this time we realised that someone would to go and replace the items as we needed bacon for our dinner which was to be mixed grill, needing the fresh air I volenteered to go leaving Pa to put a load of tea cloths in to the washing machine and my son to clean his room, neither of which had been done when I returned two hours later. There was in fact no evidece to suggest that either of the men had moved in my absence.

A few trenchant remarks from me galvanised them.....a gross to action and they set about doing a few chores in cursory fashion while I cleaned the bathroom from top to bottom,after which I cooked dinner, feeling decidedly narked !

Six ounce steak,sausages,bacon,eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms and chips, I noticed they had not trouble polishing off the lot. Still they did help with the washing up bless their little hearts!

It has been an odd sort of day, the sort of day which distinguishes the difference between the sexes.

When a man feel under the weather he does bugger all...when a woman feels unwell she caries on regardless. This is a fact of life and once of which all mothers should warn their daughters along with the usual stuff .One day the tide will turn...I hope.

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