Thursday, 20 September 2012


I remember writing some time ago of my disgust that the Leader of the Liberal Part, Nick Clegg should find it so easy to break his word for the sake of expedience. I refer of course to his much trumpeted election promise to oppose any increase in the cost of university education, a solemn promise which he danced out of without a second thought.

At the time I warned that the public would never forgive him for this grave error. An man who breaks his word is without honour,and what is more is quite liable to do so again, Such a man cannot, and should not be trusted.His actions threw away the best chance that his party could hope for to actually make a difference to the way the country is governed and it was for this reason that many people voted for his party.

Last nigh Mr Clegg apologised, but not for breaking his word,he apologised for having given his word to begin with, thereby adding insult to injury. It seems that he has at last realised that he is a dead man in political terms ,he still has not truly grasped the reason for the peoples anger and worse than all their contempt.

There are still enough people in this country who remember the phrase”An Englishman’s word is his bond”. People do still care about honour,and about truth. At the time he explained his change of heart by saying that when he had given his pledge , he had not realised that he would find himself in his new position. That is precisely the reason why people pass their word in the first place, so that they can be trusted,once they have done this,not to change their mind for any reason.

Mr Clegg,the product of a public school education should understand this principle,being as it were a gentleman. Perhaps public schools no longer consider honour as a principle worth teaching in these times. He is however quite wrong,if he supposes that ordinary people do not value this  virtue, as I believe his is beginning to realise.

For him it is too late ,honour,like virginity is something which can only be lost once and once lost it can never be restored,He should have known this and the fact that he did not is a sad indictment upon him,his party and his class,for although he would have you think that he believes in a classless society his actions prove the contrary.
His obvious contempt for ordinary people was well demonstrated by his lack of respect for them when he chose to break his promise to further his own ambition.

All men have faults,even great men, but the great men of history valued and upheld honour at all hazard “Death before Dishonour”. Mr Clegg will never be a great man, he will be remembered as the man who dishonoured himself and his party,He is shamed and disgraced by his own actions and can never be trusted again. Breaking ones word is the same thing as telling a lie,Nick Clegg is a liar and should not be allowed to lead his party or his country any further in to the mire.

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