Friday, 5 October 2012


OK,I admit that the title is a little sensational, maybe even alarmist,unfortunately it happens to be true.

My home is very close to the old graveyard at All Saints Church, a lovely spot which is home to a diversity of wildlife species. You may be aware that ISCAG has for some time been lobbying the Local Authority in an attempt to prevent the destruction of this rich and beautiful spot,not only by the councils own contractors,Laings, but,I am afraid to report,locals living nearby.

For some time now we have been aware that shooting has been going on in the grave yard,the unmistakable sound of air rifles during the day and at dusk,and a steady stream of dead birds of all species all with the same tell tale injury. Squirrels too have been targeted in the most cruel way imaginable having been left to die slowly of horrific injuries as few of these kills are clean.

Presently it is not know who is responsible for these atrocities but with patience and vigilance it is only a matter of time before we find the culprit or culprits and see to it that they are punished.

The graveyard is not only home to a great deal of wild life,it is used by the playgroup at the church, on summer evenings the local Guides and Brownies use the site? People drive through,walk through and often linger to read the old stones or to watch the birds.

All of these groups are at risk until we find and stop this appalling crime,for crime it most certainly is. Even those walking on the causeway or sitting on the benches could be in danger.
This is why there are laws to prevent the discharging of firearms so close to a highway ,public building of residences.

Whoever is doing this is breaking the law in a most irresponsible manner, the shooting of wild birds is a serious enough offence, imagine if these irresponsible people kill or blind a child,we need to stop this now before it is too late.

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