Monday, 15 October 2012


By fair means and foul I have for a long time evaded the visit to my G.P which I have been obliged to make for Friday morning this week. I have reached the stage where I have had to admit defeat as my hands are now so badly affected by both rheumatism and arthritis that I am fast becoming dangerous,to myself and others.

Smashed crockery,broken glass and spills of all sorts are daily occurrences now ,even lifting a teapot to pour is almost impossible ,I am unable too put on my socks and am unable to use a walking stick as I can no longer grip the handle,the list goes on

Perhaps I should have done something about it sooner but of course with Pa so ill and myself his carer I did not feel inclined to give anyone the impression that I could not cope with the day to day things.

I have had problems with my right hand and wrist for many years due to a series of bad breaks when I was a child, pain would come and go away again now it is almost constant.

I hope that perhaps some effective pain relief can be found ,something which will not make me fall asleep,for obvious reasons. One thing is absolutely certain, I shall never give up baking and cooking

Perhaps I might need a bread making machine,perhaps make smaller batches of jams,but with the aid of my food mixer the steady flow of cakes and cookies will I hope remain undiminished.

Looking on the bright side there is something to be thankful for, I always hated the idea of growing old and sitting in a corner knitting everlasting scarves for church bazaars,now I shall be unable to knit !!!!!!!!!!!!

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