Tuesday, 18 December 2012


When the whole family go down with heavy colds,flu,or worse! Last year both Pa and my son groaned through the festivities nursing headaches,congestion,hacking coughs and noses like Rudolph,while I held the fort. Throughout the holiday I remained immune to the prevailing plague,it was not to last.

New Years Eve found me snuffling.....hey ho! On Saturday Pa arrived at the breakfast table looking rather seedy and with the tell tale red hooter. “Oh dear.” I said,and “Botheration.” Well something like that.

Sunday morning dawned and my son,as we drank our morning coffee confessed to being”A bit snuffly.” By Sunday night a full blown cold had hatched and I resigned myself to another pox ridden holiday watching the rest of the family shaking with pestilence while I polished of the chocs, as I watched them pill popping!

This afternoon a family friend called in to see us and having refused a cup of tea(most unusual) he confessed that he was feeling rather queasy and would not be surprised if he was not going down with the dreaded Noro virus!

Now I am normally a hospitable soul but this information made me rather cross and I informed our guest, who was now a very unusual shade of green that I would take it kindly if he would remove himself from my abode at once.......in other words “Bugger off!”

Why do people insist upon spreading their germs among their friends, as if it is a sort of club. I believe that people who turn in to work while paralytic with some disease or another should be taken out and shot...at once! I constantly tell my son this but he pays no attention. As for paying a Christmas visit to friends while sickening from the Winter Vomiting Bug...a firing squad is too good for them, they should be hung, drawn and quartered!

Why do employers insist upon their workforce dragging themselves half dead in to work,rather than pay them to spend a couple of days getting over what ever it is? After all three would surely be fewer lost man hours if they took this sensible course.

The Pharmacy has run out of Sudafed,a bad sign, and the Christmas shopping list now sports an order for six boxes of tissues, the signs and omens are not auspicious!

This evening with all the chores done and only the Christmas cake to ice, the dreaded chocolate log to make and Christmas dinner to cook I find myself with a sore throat.........BUGGER IT!.......where's the Damson Gin?

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