Sunday, 16 December 2012


I've had a lovely day. It began with breakfast in bed brought to me by my son,who makes the best toast in the world,then down stairs to the kitchen for a day of baking.

After filling the oven with granary loaves I gave Pa his breakfast and had a cup of good strong tea by which time the bread was done and the kitchen smelled wonderfully of hot bread.

Pa trotted off on some errands and my first batch of baking was sausage rolls for tonight's party, all the while the cat Twiggy patrolled the kitchen and the yard on the watch for our new cat Moth.

Several batches of sausage rolls later and Twiggy was now actually looking quite put out by the fact that Moth had not appeared to be chased away!

Cream cheese and tomato puffs were the next item on my baking list and as I mixed the filling a visitor arrived with cards and a gift for me. This turned out to be a boxed set of recipe books along with some pretty gift tags and flags to decorate plates of food,I was thrilled to receive such a lovely gift as you can imagine.

Twiggy dislikes visitors and retired to my bedroom for a sulk, no sooner had she vanished upstairs than Moth appeared demanding food in her usual cute fashion, both she and twiggy are much admired in these parts. Having eaten, Moth,who adores visitors had a great

time being petted and stroked by a succession of callers.

Packing everything proved to be quite a task but by the time Pa returned I was half finished.

Just as darkness was falling we heard that the river was flooding so I set off with my camera to see if I could get a few shots. I have never seen the river so high,here and their cars with stalled engines could be seen, their owners getting very wet as the water flooded in through the doors .

It was too dark to take good pictures and had begun to rain heavily so I made my way home,a very large dog took exception to my buggy and chased me for most of the way while his frightened owner puffed along behind us. Just as I considered myself done for a car threw a great sheet of water over us and the dog gave up the chase.

Back home I changed and finished the packing before decorating the Pizza base I had made in the morning with lots of ham,cheese and tomato.

I love days like today, I feel so alive when I am baking.

Tonight I intend to tuck myself up in bed and sample the Florentines was given yesterday, then spray my room with geranium and roses before snuggling down with my new hot water bottle.........................bliss.

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