Monday, 25 March 2013


Recent extreme weather conditions has cause the birds in our garden to leave their nest building activities and return to the business of survival. Today,quite suddenly all that has changed and even though the weather is still desperately cold my garden is suddenly full if little lovers.

The net of dog hair is once again receiving much attention as is the large ball of human hair gleaned during the past few months from hair brushes. In the ash tree we have hung large plastic drinks bottle with lots of holes,this is stuffed with wood wool and is very popular with some of the larger birds.

Blue Tits, courting everywhere, our Blackbirds kanoodling in the orchard,even a pair of Magpies spent quite a time in the walled garden,she begging food and he providing small morsels until ,at last she allowed mating to take place.
Twigs are at a premium as not only do we have Magpies but Crows,Jays and a Rookery near by the squirrels are fighting a war with these raiders who are stripping the small twigs from their drays.

All around the garden the show put on by the Magpies has been repeated by dozens of birds during the course of the day,perhaps they know something about the weather of which we are unaware. Perhaps it is just a matter of timing,it is ,after all the end of March,who can say?

These brave little feathered bundles continuing their daily lives in the face of such awful weather conditions shows us how resilient nature can be,even so I would ask anyone reading this to please keep on feeding things like suet,crumbs and small seed,our birds will need all the help they can get this year.....Thank you. Xxxxxx Avie xxxxxX  

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