Sunday, 17 March 2013


Once again my kitchen became a battle ground today, taken over by the Kamikaze Dungeoneers. They fought great battles on two large banqueting tables which practically fill the kitchen,much to the amusement of my pregnant cat Moth and much to the disgust of Twiggy,who detests company of any sort.
Pa and I, banished as usual to the outer reaches of the house and spent the day snoozing ,in Pa's case and catching up with some correspondence in mine.
The weather, diabolical again discouraged any idea I might have had of going for a spin on the scooter,or spending time in the garden.

Still there was a hazy layer of calm today which I thoroughly enjoyed,you see tomorrow is rather special for us.
For eight years my son as worked nights ,this has wrecked havoc on the lives of us all, three weeks has been the maximum amount of time which he has been away from work on holiday in all that time. Tomorrow will be the beginning of the fourth week of freedom,a very significant occasion for us.
I cannot pretend that we are any where close to adjusting to pour new found freedom,this is going to take some time, but I am very sure that I shall enjoy having more time for my garden,my books and my painting;if the Gods allow.

Some how or other today the rain did not matter,nor the grey sky,the pure pleasure of knowing that tomorrow my son will not have to return to his former employment made up for all.
Yesterday evening I came across him staring out of the window looking pensive,I asked him what was wrong and he told me that he was missing his friends at work.

This did not surprise me in the least, the camaraderie created by working through such troubled times and against impossible deadlines as they did for years must have formed strong bonds which will never truly be broken.
I asked him is he was sorry to have left and got a resounding “Not likely, I feel that I've been let out of prison.”
And so say all of us!

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