Saturday, 30 November 2013


I was, recently lucky enough the purchase a whole brisket with the one in and complete with it'd full compliment of fat,today we all felt like a roast and so beef was decided upon.

Normally I would roast the meat slowly and serve it in the usual way with Yorkshire puddings roasted potatoes and mushy peas,but not today.

I have been feeling rather unwell of late and the amount of pain in my legs means that the less time I spend stamping about the better. With this,and with the preferences of my carnivores I decided to serve the meat in a way which would have been familiar to our medieval ancestors, tasty ,a trifle decadent and much less work.

With the main oven still out of action I heated up the halogen oven with half a pint of water and one it had reaches 185oC I added the beef rubbed with a little oil and with no foil cover at this point.
The wonderful thing about the halogen oven is that is cooks meat in a way very similar to the old method of spit roasting before an open fire,soon the smell of roasting meat was driving both the cats and ourselves to distraction.

An hour and a half later remover the meat and wrapped it in foil before replacing it in the oven along with some carrots and parsnips sliced thickly. In just over an hour the meat was cooked and was left to rest for fifteen minutes while the trenchers(inch thick slices of two day old bread) were cut and a salad of herbs added to the table.

Having poured off the most park of the dripping (fat) the remaining juices and the lovely brown goo was poured on to the trenchers and topped with thick slices of hot roast beef and a little salt.

We all enjoyed our feast and the added attraction of very few dishes to wash up after the meal added a welcome sauce to the dish.

Chocolate and cherry iced cream finished the meal which we all agreed was the best meal of the week.

On a much more serious note I should like to offer my heartfelt condolences to those caught up in last nights terrible events in Glasgow ,and to their relatives. That a group of happy people should be extinguished so suddenly make the event seem somehow even more terrible.

Friday, 29 November 2013


While Pa was being marvelled at by the medical students at Kingston Hospital my son and I were obliged to wait indoors for the possible arrival of our new cooker,which needless to say did not turn up. It was however no punishment to be warm and snug indoors while a chilly wind blew the spiteful rain in all directions at once, until the lane was filled with dead umbrellas!

Still in the grip of some nasty side effects caused by my latest medication I rang the surgery to request a brief word with the Doctor as to weather or not I should discontinue any or all of the these troublesome pills,it is now seven in the evening, and I am still waiting.

My G.P is a dear old chap,kind and caring and hopelessly out of touch with the dragons who run his surgery.”Call me any time if you have problems with your medicines.” he said knowing that the large doses could well cause trouble,this is the third time I have had occasion to take him up on his offer and so far I have not managed to speak to him once!

My concern is that being a Friday things could get much worse before Monday when surgery opens Saturday morning surgery here me old darlings...perish the thought!

On piece of terrific news is that my son's fourth novel in the “Alamo” series should be on sale by morning. Ill health,his own,mine and Pa's has held up the writing of this latest work and with Pa going into hospital next week the timing is perfect.

Sitting in the window the cat Moth has the benefit of a warm radiator, a good view of the lane and my self close enough to stroke her pretty fur now and then ,whereat upon she makes a noise similar to a tribble and closes her eyes in ecstasy,dear puss.

With so little time left before Christmas I confess to being a little concerned as my health is preventing me from carrying out many of the traditional tasks, my son,bless him tells me that as long as we have Christmas together nothing else matters at right he is.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Just a nice day...

Avie had another nice day today, but is still rather worn out from her adventures yesterday - that and getting no sleep last night didn't help! She's retreated to bed early tonight, hopefully normal service to be resumed tomorrow...

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


Today was ,to me almost a dream come true and hours later I am still floating in a happy haze,and it's all thanks to my son.
He decided that we should go out for the day to put the new buggy through her paces, especially important is the accuracy of the mileage allowance and the batteries ability to deliver it. I confess that have been a little nervous about striking out on my own and possibly running out of power miles from home in cold weather.

After an early breakfast we set out for St Margaret's, a pretty suburb of Richmond on Thames,I measured my speed to my son's walking pace ans was surprised how little power had been used.
Felling more adventurous we set of for Richmond,a real treat for me as it must be at least ten years since I shopped there.

Richmond is blessed with several very good charity shops and these interesting emporium have always been popular with my son and I. Today I purchased a beautiful scarf with a silver butterfly clasp, a colourful fluffy scarf and a cast iron trivet for the wok, it was so exciting to be able to shop for bits and pieces again. I know it sounds a little pathetic but when you have been housebound for two years and then subsequently able only to get as far as the nearest supermarket,shopping in a lovely town like Richmond is a special treat.

We stopped for coffee halfway and then had a bit to eat on the way back so that I could safely take my medication. Thank heavens my son persisted in hos efforts to make me try a greater distance,because now other small and equally charming place are open to me,Twickenham,Whitton, Chiswick and Kew,my horizon is suddenly so much wider and although winter has set in all these lovely places will be there in the spring, I am so happy,so very ,very happy.

Pa treated us to a takeaway so that I| should not have to cook and so I chose pizza so that there would be no dishes to wash afterwards.

My perfect day ends with a cup of hot coffee and an early night, I am so lucky.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


In spite of,or perhaps because of the warm fluffy floaty feeling my new medication induces,the past few days have been lovely. Yesterday I stayed awake long enough to decorate our Christmas tree,I still have the kitchen and my bedroom to do but my son's tree is done and as usual looks splendid.

Yesterday he helped me with the big tree, in fact he took over,ordering me about ,making decisions and all of them good ones. I took his instructions like a lamb,it was wonderful to have a tall fit young person to scramble about and position things on the tree too high for me to reach without climbing!

All the same I did feel a little wistful as I relinquished my crown,I have had charge of trimming the tree since I was eleven years old,back then I was a young fit person myself. Hey Ho!! Time marches on.

I managed to remain on my feet long enough to produce dinner and I did manage most of the washing up before my legs gave out and I was obliged to take the stair lift to bed.

Today I was better in the morning than I expected and I made Pikelets for breakfast shortly after which the groceries arrived. Not feeling like doing much I took the new buggy”Red Sonia”for a trip to TK MAXX. If I have any criticism of the place it is that the customer lift is too small ,I had a hair raising time getting in and out of what resembled slightly larger than average tea chest.....very dodgy indeed!

I love these quiet happy days and my only worry is that something will happen to disturb our hard won peace,with Pa's operation taking place in just under two weeks I expect things will soon be hectic again.

I still have a sore throat and it seems that this my be caused by my new medication...time will tell.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Tree Up!

Another busy day today in Avie's house, after we'd managed to get over the fun affair of the exploding oven – today was tree-up day, the day on which we put the Christmas trees up for the year – one downstairs, one upstairs. I handled the upstairs one, Avie the downstairs, and between us this joyous but strenous task took up most of the afternoon – which it why I am writing the blog tonight, as Avie wore herself out decorating a fantastic tree.

Every year seems to be better than the last; we're always adding to the decorations year on year, and some of them are decades old, lovingly brought out every Christmas, memories sparkling like jewels on the tree. It's always a pleasant task to complete, and it really feels as if Christmas is here. The day was topped off with home-made (of course) tomato soup and bread, served with a cheese platter. And so, to bed!

Sunday, 24 November 2013


Today the inner door on the oven exploded.

Yes, exploded.

The resulting clean-up operations took some hours, and left everyone shattered. As a result, Avie has retreated to bed...can't say I blame her!

Lots of crunchy under-feet to come in the coming days...

Son of Avie

Saturday, 23 November 2013


Like many people I clearly remember what I was doing when the assassination of President John F Kennedy was announced. I was a nine year old with a newly plastered arm,curled up on the sofa with my mother because I could not sleep. Also in common with the rest of the world I could not believe that such an illustrious personage as the President of the United States of America could be snuffed out in such a manner.

As the news proved to be all too true I remember the adults talking in hushed voices about the event and I remember that I cried for Jackie in her bloodied dress looking,somehow more beautiful than ever in spite of her great grief,and for her children,especially I cried for the children.

Some how the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald the following day seem to draw a line under the tragedy, it seemed like poetic justice, now I wonder if it wasn't meant to do exactly that?

By the time Bobby Kennedy too had died at the hands of an assassin that sense of closure had long ceased to anaesthetise the public’s curiosity,questions were being asked,and the unthinkable thought. Of all those questions the most pertinent then and now is not who killed the President but why was it necessary to kill the President.

There have been many answers to these questions .in the midst of rumour,coincidence and down right untruthful finding any firm ground is well night impossible, it's rather like playing join the dots and ending up with an elephant when you expected an emu..nothing is what it seems.

I shall not go into all these possibilities here,this has been done many times by those better qualified than I,but this I will say. After many years of chasing this particular set of shadows you might be better off asking who didn’t want John Kennedy dead,it is a much smaller list.

It is fashionable in these times to rubbish Kennedy,to dwell on his relationship with Marilyn Monroe, to call his handling of the Cuba crisis inept, and to be accusatory about his secret health problems, but I do not subscribe to this.

Kennedy gave the American people a sense of pride and worth,at a time when most of the world was still ruled by the old guard he presented a view of the future to the whole world, and the world loved it.
Nothing can tarnish the pure gold of Kennedy's magic touch he will always be love by his country men,and that is a fitting tribute to a man of undoubted courage.

Whatever Kennedy did or did not do I think it certain that he was executed rather than assassinated to say otherwise stretches creditability to far for most people. It maybe that we shall never know the whole truth and as these events recede into history perhaps that no longer matters.

What does matter is that in spite of his violent death and decades of muck raking, the man I still held as a beacon to his countrymen, a standard of America's greatness, the legend is almost Arthurian...the once and future King,for in its heart of hearts America is still waiting for a return of those glory days, and a brave young king to lead them out of the darkness.

Thursday, 21 November 2013



I may be mistaken but did I or did I not here the CEO of a certain power supplier explaining that the huge increase in the cost of heating our homes this year would scarcely benefit the company at all.
The price of purchasing the fuel was very high.” he said. And don't we know the feeling!
The Government took the lions share in taxes.”he said. Hmmmm!
We spend huge amounts on the infra structure.”he said . I began to feel quite sorry for the shareholders!

Today,that company declared a profit of £979M, almost a billion and professed themselves disappointed at not having made more! So what are we, the long suffering consumers to make of this? It seems quite obvious that someone,not to say the energy providers are taking the piss, either that or they believe us to be so stupid that we will not notice the anomaly, has been noticed.

In an earlier blog I suggested that as a protest against this kind of daylight robbery,and in light of the fact that Parliament will do nothing, we should take matters in to our own hands and refuse ,ass to pay our winter heating bills. After all, they cannot jail everyone who refuses to pay! The energy providers need money so they would be unable to hold out against a determined band.

We need to get this settled now, at once, before the elderly the vulnerable and the young begin to suffer and die. We need these people to see that they bear the responsibility for the welfare of those less able.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


I had intended this year to add to last years “Avie's home made Christmas” series but so far I have been unable to, so I hope that you will find last year's collection of recipes, tips and hints handy.

If, however there is anything specific you would like to know,  please contact me and I shall do my best to help, or at least point you in the right direction.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013


It must be faced,the past few days have been some of my worst for a long time,it is as my Doctor explained recently,I am almost beyond the point where pain can be controlled by medication.
I have been aware for some time that surgery is necessary but with Pa so unwell it has been impossible,now with the prospect of all his operations being carried out within the next six months I can at last begin to consider my own needs.

In the mean time I must choose between extreme pain and discomfort as opposed to being made ga-ga by massive doses of codeine, and anti spasmodic drugs which leave me feeling like a puppet with it's strings cut! At the moment the later condition holds sway,last night I slept for the first time in several weeks and awoke almost pain free. I cannot express the joy caused by this event, I made pancakes for breakfast,and although the pain returns when the drugs begin to wear off the sheer blessed relief of a few comfortable hours is wonderful.

Sadly my poor son is still very much under the weather and I am becoming quite concerned. He is still in the grip of the collywobbles and dose not seem able to keep food down,last night was ghastly for him. He tells his friends he is OK and like many a stubborn man refuses to consult a medic, I would put my foot down firmly if it did not hurt to do so!

Now that the weather has turned chilly the cats have resorted to sitting on the radiators and I to the use of a hot water bottle and an extra fleece blanket from which I derive much comfort.
On a brief trip out for a little fresh air the chill in the wind was bitter and the cold last night has brought down almost all the remaining leaves from the limes in the lane and they look like ladies who have just stepped out of their skirts.

Pa is behaving like a trooper just now and is busy tidying his room which O appreciate more than I can say for I am not well enough to do the job myself yet until it has been reorganised we cannot put up the Christmas tree. Another task which will have to wait a while yet.

We are rapidly approaching the date set for Pa's surgery and this has rather eclipses all other matters,including Christmas I fear, speaking for myself,all I want is the whole thing over and Pa back safe at home.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Plague Remains Upon Us...

The dreaded pox remains upon the house for the moment. Everyone's still pushing on - albeit slowly - but Avie has gone to bed worn out again. Hopefully tomorrow will be better than today.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Tired and Sleepy Today...

Avie managed to get a lot done today, but wore herself out again; she's still in a lot of pain but wanted me to say that she is very comfortable and happy. Hopefully she will be able to post again tomorrow.

Friday, 15 November 2013


Another night such as the one I described yesterday,with the added drama which occurred at two thirty a m,when the dodgy lavatory seat finally gave up the ghost and collapsed in to several pieces.
This sudden ,but not unexpected catastrophe,for such it was caused much consternation,not only to the person seated thereon at the time,namely myself, but my poor son who was still in the grip of the gallops!

The remainder of the night was a nightmare such as I wish never to live through again. Even the poor cat was affected by the disaster for when she jumped on to the seat the reach the window the thing lurched to the right and catapulted the poor creature in to the air so that she almost ended up in the back garden and was fortunate not to have had the still worse fate of ending up in the loo!

Morning found my son groggy,myself exhausted and for once Pa was the fittest of us all as we crawled in to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

There was one pleasant thing on the horizon,the arrival of a new buggy for me ,the existing one being too small and thus very hard on my long legs. I was speechless when it arrived, it was immaculate,and so exactly right for me that it might have been made for me instead of being a second-hand one found for my by the lovely man from" Additional Aids" in Whitton, (he deserves a plug).

Knowing we could have every confidence in the salesman made all the difference, this is our third buggy from him and all have been excellent. I could not wait to try our my lovely new transport, can you guess where I went on my first trip? That’s right I went to the hardware shop and purchased a new lavatory seat.

The new buggy is marvellous, much faster than Pa's and even faster than my old one which died last August! It is a gorgeous shade of red and is very smart, M y ride cheered me up and I returned home a little reluctantly to mend the loo. Then another miracle.

My son was up and dressed and insisted upon fitting the new seat, a task I had been dreading as my hands are very painful today. It was so easy to fit ,compared to others that within minutes it was fitted...but not quite ready to go! You see,it is one of those soft close ones ans the instructions explained that in order to ensure a smooth close that tops seat should be opened and closed twenty times, followed by the same performance for the bottom seat! My son looked so funny standing there opening and closing it ,I wish I'd had the presence of mind to take some photographs.

Dinner was a very quick meal of fish and chips with mushy peas and a nice lemon dip, salad and some of the crusty bread I baked this morning the iced cream which followed cooled my poor sore throat nicely.

Now the work is done and another day is past, all that remains is for me to take a nice hot shower, clean my teeth and then sink thankfully in to my soft snug bed, and if I am lucky, I might just stay snug for more than the hour or some I managed last night!

Thursday, 14 November 2013


Today has been without a doubt one of the worst I can remember,it began last night and has continued unabated throughout the day. My son, exhausted from a night of chain flushing, spent the day I bed. Pa ,who was supposed to collect for me an urgently needed and long overdue prescription,faffed about so much that although he managed,eventually to collect the prescription from the surgery it was too late to have it made up at the only pharmacy in the area who carries the required drug. He compounded the felony by seeming surprised that I was upset about this. He can be such a twerp!

This means another night of agony for me!

Left alone to cope with the days chores I managed to complete the work of three people, make bread and cooked dinner during which time I only fell over twice and dropped a heavy maslin pan on my head once, so as you see I did quite well.

As I dried the last dinner plate a knock at the door cause my heart to sink, sure enough a friend, who under normal circumstances I would be glad to see ,stood smiling cheerily in the door way,I could have wept. Luckily on observing the dire state of the occupants health he curtailed his visit and practically fled off down the garden path.

What I really need is rest,my doctor says so, my consultants repeat the would be something if these geniuses could tell me how, given the circumstances I can find even a couple of hours a week to sit with my feet up.....the chance would be a fine thing.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


The house has been infected with the dreaded 'Death Fever', and we're all laid up right now. Avie has retreated to bed, and I will be myself in a minute...hope to feel better tomorrow!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013


Some time ago I was given a brace of Mallard, I tucked them in to the freezer and forgot about them,until yesterday. Needing to make room for the incoming beef I rearranged the freezer ( we have three, one of which holds the fruit and veg crop) and there they were in among the chickens, leaving them out to defrost overnight I considered,during a sleepless night what to do with them.

By morning my plans were laid and I set about dealing with the birds by first removing the breasts and then the legs. The carcasses went straight into the stock pot for five hours,by which time a wonderfully rich stock ,well reduced was ready to use.

The four legs were a little more difficult as the amount of meat is not great. Eventually I decided to make a confit by cooking them very slowly,about five hours to be exact, in fat kept a a temperature of no more than 150 oC . The pan is then removed from the heat and left to cool ,refrigerated the confit will keep for a month.

Some recipes suggest salting the duck for 24 hours and rubbing in a dry marinade, perhaps for a dinner party I might put myself to the trouble but as I will be using the meat as part of a family dinner the easy way is just fine.

The four breasts gave me quite a nice amount of meat and so I rubbed them with with Chinese five spice and roasted them for thirty minutes then sliced them and popped then in to the wok with a bag of stir fry vegetables, fresh of course and some fresh egg noodles and sugar snap peas from the freezer. Parsnip and pumpkin crisps finished the dish which was well received by the boys.

Of course I could have served then roasted with the usual trimmings but this way has given not only three meals for us but a nice big dish of cooked duck flesh, for the cats, gleaned from the bones left in the stock pot.

After that lot I am ,I confess, shattered and my throat is still very sore,yet I think I am on the mend, fingers crossed.

Monday, 11 November 2013


What a miserable affliction a sore throat is,whenever I swallow(and I try not to) it feels as if a red hot cinder has lodged in my throat,even cold drinks hurt so although I crave a lovely hot cup of tea it is out of the question just now.

Eating is pure torment unless it is either iced cream of cold jelly, the hot steak sandwich my soul craves is a definite no-no! Coming at this time of year this nasty ailment would be trouble but with the extra worry of Pa's operation which could literally be at any time,should there be a cancellation.

Tomorrow Pa is to have an MRI scan,since none of the usual prosthetics is suitable for him a special one will have to be made,we have been told that the bad state of the bone has made this necessary.

I how I want to be in my kitchen doing the Christmas baking...............the spirit is raring to go,the flesh however is not and so I must cool my heels and wait,not a thing I do well!”

One thing which pleases me very much is thanks to the recommendation of a friend we have discovered a butcher,not too far away Chiswick to be precise, who can and will supply us with a whole brisket on the bone,a rare delicacy these days I assure you.

This piece of meat weighs over eight kilos and will have to be cut in to joints, this will,in my absence be supervised by my son. You see modern butchers,particularly those in the South of England have become used, at the insistence of their customers ,to removing all the fat from the meat and then boning it out. Rolled into neat joints it is fit only for pot roasting and while this will provide a good meal it does not have the amazing flavour of old English roast beef that it has if left unmolested.

The fat,or dripping at it is called is wonderful for frying and for roasting potatoes it knows no peer,duck and goose fat is just a cheffy craze,as I said,just try getting your hands on decent beef fat these days!

The identical moment that I am released from the grip of this pestiferous plague I shall roast a large piece of this beef,very,very slowly and then I shall make for myself a hot beef sandwich,lightly salted.....................wonderful. This cut of meat is,if cooked with respect the tastiest cut you can buy,and think of this I recently purchased a 1 kilo joint of fore rib of beef for Pa' birthday dinner at a cost of £42.00, my 8 kilo joint will cost around £60.00 and will taste so much better.

Now there's a reason to be cheerful.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

The Plague Is Upon Us!

I fear that Mum has managed to catch a dose of the flu, and after much arguing has finally agreed to turn in early and get some rest. Hopefully, normal service to be resumed tomorrow....

Saturday, 9 November 2013


Just a couple of days after having my flu vaccination I seem to have contracted some form of the dreaded virus. Symptoms include a blazing sore throat and a feeling of being intensely cold. I have spent the day feeling thoroughly miserable and disinclined for any kind of labour,writing is now virtually impossible as I keep falling asleep at the keyboard!

I can only hope that Pa, who had his flu jab a couple of weeks before I had mine avoids this nasty affliction,he could be called to hospital at any time, they have said that if there is a cancellation the place will be his; we must keep him fit at all hazard.

The boys are washing up for me and I have been told to take a shower, they are such good boys.

It may be a few days before I write again,so that will be a nice rest for you poor sufferers of my constant waffling. I wish you a happy healthy week end, but should you too be afflicted with ill health I wish you a warm bed and a kind nurse. Bye for now.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Normal Service Interrupted....

We had the big cleaning day today, and Avie did an experimental Chinese Stir-Fry that turned out fantastic...but all of this has worn her out, and she has turned in for a well-earned rest. Normal service to be resumed tomorrow.

Thursday, 7 November 2013


Having spent a merry morning cleaning the bathroom, making sausages and preparing a large pan of colcannon for dinner I was more than ready for a breath of air,so as soon as Pa returned from his hospital appointment I trundled off in to the glowing autumn afternoon.

With little more than an hour before dark I headed for the parkland opposite my home. The long drive bordered by Lime trees looked as if they had been gilded and the ancient oaks had a toffee colour about them.
Every where I looked the beautiful colours of the season,enhanced by the light of a setting sun showered the ground with beauty to the delight of a group of small children who ran about trying to catch the leaves before they joined the other fallen. Around each tree a circle of gold,crimson or copper swirled like a gypsy dancers skirt as she sinks to the ground at the end of her dance.

The light was fading fast as I made my way in to a little plantation of young trees,, Birch,Hazel,
Chestnut,Alder and Sloe Among many others. Sweetbrier. So fragrant during the summer months now sported thousands of brilliant red shiny hips,waiting for the Fieldfares and Redwings who will soon be hear,and hungry!

Now as I turned homewards I noticed the first pink tinge in the evening sky and before I had travelled far the tint became a stain .blood red which spread across the sky setting the tree tops in the shelter belt alight . From the lake great skeins of wild geese headed for the river and as I watched the sky changed again to a deep rose red,I stopped to watch and could not bear to move on until the last flame of red had gone .

I have always love being outside at dusk,and in the dark,though these days it is unusual for my to be out and about in the evenings. Halfway down the long drive I could see the light from our cottage
windows,it always looks so cosy and so safe snuggled beneath the ancient church tower,and sheltered by tall trees.

For me ever since childhood the happiness of coming home, has always been wrapped up in memories of fire light and the smell of cooking,the cherry greeting from those already within and the promise of a cosy evening with the ones I love best. Time changes the faces of those who wait at home,but the welcome and the warmth remain.  

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Now that the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder it is a good time to be thinking about the multitude of soups which cam be made in minutes and which are,with the addition of crusty bread a main meal in themselves.

Tonight's meal was a favourite of ours,roasted vegetable and tomato soup,this this rich ,heart warming bowl full served with crusty bread and some cheese ensures that no one leaves the table hungry.

2 tins chopped tomatoes
1 tube tomato purree
1 large parsnip
half a pound of squash,peeled and cut in to chunks
2 red peppers seeded and halved
1 large parsnip peeled and quartered
1-1.5 pts chicken or vegetable stock depending upon how thick you like your soup.
1 dessert spoon of sugar
a good handful of basil chopped
black pepper
olive oil
a good splash of balsamic vinegar
Set the oven to 200oC . Place all the vegetables in a roasting tin and drizzle with the olive oil,place in the oven and roast for at least 30 minutes until the vegetables are beginning to char.

Put half the vegetables in to a blender with one tin of tomatoes ,half the basil and some of the stock and blend thoroughly. Repeat with the remaining ingredients the add salt and pepper, balsamic vinegar and if you want a thinner soup add the rest of the stock.

Heat the soup without boiling and serve at once with fresh crusty granary bread and a selection of cheeses, Stilton, Brie , a good red Leicester or some Ossau Irate complement the soup very well.

If you make more than you need the soup freezes well and will keep for several weeks. Oh ,I almost forgot. Sausage rolls also go well with this soup.

Monday, 4 November 2013


Quite unexpectedly on October the 18th John Laings, the contractors who have been decimating several boroughs in Greater London and whom a number of conservation groups including mine have been fighting were bought out be Carillion.

Apparently, according to their press release they wished to return to their core business of construction, and were no longer interested in managing(or miss managing,depending upon your point of view) parks, cemeteries and other green spaces and several libraries in a number of boroughs.

While I do not presume to suppose that the constant harrying of Laings by groups such as ours it must, I am certain have gone some way to convincing them that their acute lack of expertise and total absence of customer relations was coming to a head and that some serious law suits were heading their way.

So who and what are Carillion? Well big is what they are,as to who they are if you believe their web site and their publicity releases they are, among many other wonderful things ,very interested in preserving the green spaces in our inner cities. Perhaps I am just a hardened old cynic but after Continental Landscapes, not so much who care as “Who cares?” and John Laings who patently did not care at all,I cannot wholeheartedly welcome Richard Howson C.E.O ,and his Juggernaut of a company.

My problem is quite simply this. When the care of parks,playing fields,and green spaces in general were in the care of our elected local authorities own employees there was far more notice taken of how these places worked. Now, like everything else,these jobs are put out to tender, and quite often the companies who are given the contract tender parts of the work to other companies...are you beginning to see the problem?

Everyone wants to make a profit...well of course they do, but when this is done by destroying the environment to make it easier to manage we must call a halt.

Tree surgery becomes reactive rather than pro active and so trees are lost. Hacking out all the undergrowth makes a green space easier to manage i.e. two men with strimmers instead of four with hand tools. Result,no birds as their habitat is destroyed, no butterflies and moths, no bats,in fact no anything. This is the true cost of making a profit!

The directors of these companies are not local and so it signifies nothing to them that our green spaces are trashed,there huge salaries pay for mansions in places like Esher or Alderly Edge,to put it bluntly, they don't care either !
I hope with all my heart that I am wrong, but in case I am not I would like to send a message to Mr Howson.

We saw off Continental and we saw off Laings, we are ready for you, and remember “the bigger they are the harder they fall.”

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Normal Service To Be Resumed

Avie has worked very hard today, and we had people around until fairly she has retreated to her bed with a cup of cocoa. Normal service to be resumed tomorrow...

Saturday, 2 November 2013


Today I visited the above mentioned store ,not something I enjoy at the best of times but recently things have become much worse.
A few months ago our local branch ,and I suspect many other branches was graced with a visit from the”Time and Motion” people,cuts were needed as profits were down ever so slightly.

The study at my local branch took place while the branch manager was on holiday and so he had absolutely no say in the matter. After the usual poncing about with clip boards the geniuses from Time and motion recommended certain cuts which would,.they said, enable the store to run more efficiently and for less money.

Many experienced members of staff were sacrificed in favour of younger and probably less well paid members. In areas where three people had been needed to do the job the workforce was cut to two. This method was used across the board,the result,at my branch at least has been catastrophic!

So devastating have the measures been that I doubt very much it the people who made these absurd recommendations actually understood how the store works.

Seeing staff sitting at checkouts when the store was quiet gave them the idea of cutting the number of checkout staff and using other members of the store personnel to stand in at busy times,a good idea ….... no.
The personnel who fill in at busy times are having to leave their own jobs to man the checkouts,obviously this means that the work they were supposed to be doing does not get done.

These days one is constantly hearing “Will green card holders please report to the checkouts.” this is code for things are hotting up. Then one hears “Will amber card holder please come to the checkout.” This is code for the queues are getting longer and we can't cope. Finally one hears “Will red card holders please report to the checkout,” this is code for ,if we don't shift these bloody queues there’s is going to be a riot!!!

Now the colour coding denotes the staff who, according to the Time and Motion wizards can be most easily spared from their own employment, and this is where the whole bang shoot falls flat on it's backside.

You see the green card holders are the shelf stacker,s and price ticket changers and since this system came into use there are more gaps on the shelves than I have ever seen in a supermarket. Whole sections empty. Today Muffins, crumpets,bread rolls and many other bakery items were no where to be seen at one thirty in the afternoon. Grapes,none potato varieties,few, fresh milk,none,speciality cheeses scanty. Through out the store this was the case.

Here and there large trolleys filled with merchandise to fill these gaps stood,(in everyone’s way ,I must add) all around the store,several in most aisles,and where were the staff who were supposed to be shelf stacking.......manning the checkouts that’s where!

In retail the first rule of business is quite simple “ You cannot sell empty spaces” Tesco take note.
Every where to be seen are staff members with clip boards running around like headless turkeys or talking in anxious voices on the telephone. Ask one of them where a certain product might be found and the silence is deafening.

Ours is a superstore and upstairs in Aladdin's cave clothes household goods hardware and electricals are to be found. The clothes department is at the moment in such a state of disarray that women’s. Mens and childrens clothes are mixed up together instead of being in separate areas of the floor.
Today I watched in amusement while a burly six footer with the build of a rugby player tried on a parka to a backdrop of ladies nightclothes,he looked ridiculous and the poor man knew it.

Different departments are melding one in to another and attempting to find anything is difficult.
Last week I picked up a dressing gown for PA, it was a lovely deep purple and was surrounded by others exactly the same. Along side where men’s pyjamas and other men’s dressing gowns, all seemed well...until I got the blessed garment home and Pa pointed to a label declaring it to be for ladies!.

I was some what miffed at this turn of events,on my return to the store I discovered that these purple gowns had been deposited among the men’s dressing gowns by mistake. Now it has to be said that the gown looked pretty damn unisex to me but Pa would have none of it and since the receipt was lost we now have a spare dressing gown in a small size which is neither use nor ornament at anyone here.

Since the new way of working came in to operation a series of unpleasant smells have plagued the store, spills of things such as milk are not clean properly as no one has the time. Three days ago the entire milk section had to be gutted and scrubbed, the smell,in spite of the use of a great deal of disinfectant was dreadful and there was no fresh milk to be had.;

Today, the shelves were empty of fresh whole milk and so on two separate occasions have been unable to purchase Pa’s special Jersey ,non homogenised milk, or indeed any thing but skimmed and semi skimmed,where are the shelf stacker’ guessed it, manning the checkouts!

Most of the abandoned trolleys full of produce are wrapped in cling film and it is impossible to get in to them to help oneself to muffins,etc. It is my intention,on future visits to take with me a small blade in order to gain entry to the things I need.

Lastly I feel bound to point out that none of this mess is the fault of the staff, they are at the sharp end of a very bad set of decisions and with the approach of Christmas things can only get worse.

My message to Tesco is that the good will of both customers and staff is rapidly running out,oh and what happened to the “only one in front” boast, today there were three in front of me!

Can we have some decent service …...please!!

Friday, 1 November 2013


Now that Pa has a definite date for his surgery we are ramping up our Christmas preparations in the hope that by the time he goes in to hospital on December the 6th we shall be able to concentrate all our efforts on him.
Hampers have been dispatched to relatives filled with Christmas goodies of a non perishable nature,those with December birthdays will also be receiving their gifts and cards rather early this year. This is early even for me but I would hate to forget someone in the stressful business of having dear old Pa in hospital and of course caring for him on his return home.

My son is being a great help this year and I must admit it is rather nice to have a strong man to lean on just now. He seems to revel in the responsibility of being the head of the house and certainly it is good practice for him when he has an establishment of his own to run, and it is much better for Pa not to have to worry about routine matters.

My sons new book is coming along and should be released within about three weeks and the five star reviews are still arriving.

My only regret at the moment is that I shall have to cancel some of the planned events in December. Of course we are hoping that Pa will return from his operation with no side effects of complications but the poor chap has so many health problems that I am afraid this may well be a vain hope.

Early in the New Year he must undergo an even more difficult operation on his spine so there will be no time to worry about anything else. Two months after that he is to have re constructive surgery on his hand and wrist,after which we hope for a little time to draw breath before the whole thing starts again.

In spite of all this there is the feeling of Christmas magic in the air,strange parcels arriving and being hastily squirrelled away,the rustle of wrapping paper and from the kitchen the scent of Christmas preserves, mince meat ,and a special Christmas Conserve made with many types of berry,apples and spices.

I am still rather tired and my problems with the new medication are still plaguing me,and yet I cannot help but feel fortunate. In the past year my son has achieved the dream of a lifetime, my darling mother has been spared the horror of cancer and Pa will,at last have the surgery he so badly needs. I call the great good fortune,don't you?