Friday, 29 November 2013


While Pa was being marvelled at by the medical students at Kingston Hospital my son and I were obliged to wait indoors for the possible arrival of our new cooker,which needless to say did not turn up. It was however no punishment to be warm and snug indoors while a chilly wind blew the spiteful rain in all directions at once, until the lane was filled with dead umbrellas!

Still in the grip of some nasty side effects caused by my latest medication I rang the surgery to request a brief word with the Doctor as to weather or not I should discontinue any or all of the these troublesome pills,it is now seven in the evening, and I am still waiting.

My G.P is a dear old chap,kind and caring and hopelessly out of touch with the dragons who run his surgery.”Call me any time if you have problems with your medicines.” he said knowing that the large doses could well cause trouble,this is the third time I have had occasion to take him up on his offer and so far I have not managed to speak to him once!

My concern is that being a Friday things could get much worse before Monday when surgery opens Saturday morning surgery here me old darlings...perish the thought!

On piece of terrific news is that my son's fourth novel in the “Alamo” series should be on sale by morning. Ill health,his own,mine and Pa's has held up the writing of this latest work and with Pa going into hospital next week the timing is perfect.

Sitting in the window the cat Moth has the benefit of a warm radiator, a good view of the lane and my self close enough to stroke her pretty fur now and then ,whereat upon she makes a noise similar to a tribble and closes her eyes in ecstasy,dear puss.

With so little time left before Christmas I confess to being a little concerned as my health is preventing me from carrying out many of the traditional tasks, my son,bless him tells me that as long as we have Christmas together nothing else matters at right he is.

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