This week our local
newspaper carried yet another story of fraud and corruption amongst
our local councillors and their operatives. Time and again during
these last few months there have been sackings,
de-selections,investigations and all manner of enquiries in many
areas of council business.
Whenever I read of
these atrocious goings on the same names crop up over and over again.
They are people with whom I have had dealings with over the years and
most particularly to do with strange decisions as to planning
applications in the conservation area in which I live.
Time and time again I
have questioned these people as to why they chose to ignore their own
regulations in favour on a wealthy developer. In the past few years
we have seen one green space after another built upon and always by
the same few names.
I have never once
received a straight answer to any of my questions in spite of the
fact that I have made it very clear that I more than suspect that the
entire Planning Department is up to its neck in
some pretty dirty
business. I have uncovered some pretty unholy alliances between
council, , land owners and conservation groups, which can only point
one way.
I have been outspoken
throughout my investigations and I am obliged to wonder why these
errant individuals have not even so much as threatened my with the
law if I persist. That in itself is odd.
The timing of these
latest revelations comes at a time when the my orchard and kitchen
garden are about to be bulldozed to make way for yet more houses and
parking spaces. This in a borough which constantly trumpets its
refusal to allow people to pave over gardens to make car parks or
build extensions. Ah ,but they are ordinary people and not super rich
developers and others powerful men.
I have never been
resigned to loosing the important wildlife site which out orchard
contains and now having read the latest in the disgraceful saga I
feel that it would be a pity to stop now and then have the truth come
out when it is too late.
In the coming months Pa
and I face between us a series of major surgical procedures and time
is short. Even so I feel I must fight on. I know I am right and just
for once it would be nice if right managed to defeat might in a
matter such as this.
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