Wednesday, 13 July 2011


There is now another problem facing the inept bunch of clowns who's antics have preoccupied this blog for some days now. They have made so many people feel that they will be the ones who will be forced to leave that the redundancy package is now over subscribed...who would have thought it?
The short time that people were given to make yo their minds has lead to a panic which will if allowed to run its course lead to a double decimation of the workforce. Perhaps though it is simply a matter of some many people have had enough of being jerked around by a bunch of jerks!

I was certain that my son was considering taking the offer and I was right .In the end all that stopped him was the feeling that he would be leaving people in the lurch. I have reason to know that he has recently rejected an offer of employment that would have been very much to his advantage.
I am afraid that in light of what has happened he now regrets his decision and I do not blame him, after all no one likes to be treated as a worthless piece of trash!

I read last nights missive from H.R with disbelief and since few people have taken a chance on it it would seem that they do not believe it either. It is to be hoped that the management will make up its collective mind as to what exactly is on offer, assuming that is that they have a mind between them, recent events have called that in to question. An employment lawyer could drive a truck through what has gone on lately, it is a shame there is such a long waiting list for tribunals.

I know that there is an person who is in over all charge of the place and he did flash about making rash promises a few months ago, where is he now? Not leading from the front that much is certain.

As I have said this matter has occupied y blog for some time and for that I make no apology, this house has been turned upside down by the matter even before I knew for sure what was going on, and now, now I vent my anger at those who have caused this grief .Do they I wonder realise that it is peoples lives that they are playing with here.

Many years ago I worked for a titled tycoon at his country house in Berkshire he and his wife hired and fired people for the fun of it. She would say “Oh my,I have,n't fired anyone for weeks.”
They once hired a couple to work for them in New York flew them out there and fired them before lunch on their first day, leaving them to make their own way back to England,. They told the story at dinner parties afterword as is it was a great joke. Lord and Lady.........are now dead, for which relief much thanks. While they lived they were so unpopular that they had a private army guarding them at all times, fully armed too!

If you are wondering what the point of that little story was it is this,while the titled pair thought that we were powerless in their grip we were busy putting bogies in to the lemon dressing and using Her Lady ships face flannel to clean the bidet! There is more than one way of getting a bit of your own back and it can be fun too

While “Them Upstairs” dither it is difficult to know what will happen next as if things were not unsettled enough they keep on moving the goal posts. The only certainty in these uncertain times is that what ever they do they will without a doubt make a complete Horlicks out of it, not that this is any consolation. Question. What percentage of points related to performance?......Hmmmmmm!

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