Wednesday, 6 July 2011


Things got off to an early start this morning when my son and I met on the landing at five and decided to have coffee, a combination of heat and bright sun light as been getting us out of bed at so appallingly early hours this week.. Speaking for myself I find that as a consequence I am ready for bed by about four in the afternoon which is of course not practical and so I soldier on until about ten when I collapse in to a heap, sleep until about three and then the whole damn thing begins again.

Normally I enjoy popping back into bed for an hour or so after an early morning wake up but as it is so hot that I no pleasure what-so-ever to be found in lying about sweating. This morning I decided to clean my bedroom and my son , also restless had the same idea, after we had finished we had another coffee and sat watching the news feeling very virtuous. During the hot spell I have adopted the continental habit of airing my bedding by hanging it out of the window,it works well but it has caused quite a bit of comment among passers by; why I wonder am I considered odd for doing this? So many people holiday on the continent now that I should have thought that they would be used to seeing a sheet or two hanging out of the window.

Having made such an early start we were able to have a lazy breakfast and I made, as requested a large batch of date piklets and served them with maple syrup, a northern delicacy which we all enjoy. We had arraigned for the groceries to be delivered today instead of Friday when we discovered that there would be no delivery charge on a Wednesday, on Friday they charge is six pounds, every little helps as they say.

When all was stored away safe and sound Pa got on with dusting his room, he is keeping it nicely during the past week or two and has done some repairs on small items which have needed his attention for ages. When we married he bought for me a lovely little watch which I have treasured ever since. This watch has lain in a box for a long time awaiting his attention and he has now mended the strap for me so that I can wear it again, we have been married for thirty nine years and the watch, like me will soon be an antique!

Thanking my lucky stars that I had the afternoon free I was about to slope off down the garden path when my son sought me out to tell me that his dinner date was off and as a consequence he would be home for dinner. I confess to being a trifle nonplussed at his announcement as I had planned to cook char-grilled salmon with new potatoes, spinach and parsley sauce for dinner all of which,with the exception of the new potatoes he claims to utterly detest. Two beautiful salmon steaks were waiting in the refrigerator and the spinach and the spinach I had already picked and washed....Oh Bum!

I flapped about wondering weather to defrost some chicken breasts of a gammon steak when my son announced that he would like to try the salmon and the parsley sauce, neither of which he has ever eaten to the best of my knowledge. But not the spinach, which he has also never eaten and I suspect never will. This meant a trip to the fish monger for another piece of salmon, a nuisance but far less effort than cooking two different meals. This meant of course that my precious garden had to do without my tender ministrations yet again. Bum!

I shall not say that dinner was an unqualified success, suffice it to say that he was able to eat the meal without to much gagging, I had hoped for no more. On the plus side we managed to watch Top Gear which we had missed on Sunday night and my son remarked that since he had a damnably early meeting at work tomorrow (yes it is supposed to be his week off) it would be well if her went to bed early, it's an ill wind and all that.

Now as evening draws near it has become cooler “Thanks be to God.” as an Irish friend of mine used to say and I live in the hope of staying asleep for more than a couple of hours tonight.
None the less thanks to that other Irish man Murphy, I shall have to be up at the crack of dawn to see my son off to his meeting. May a red plague, a menace and a blight lite upon the benighted idiot who 's arbitrary decision it was to drag my son in to work at the crack of dawn on his week off. Bum! Bum! Bum!

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