Friday, 22 July 2011


For the first time in ten days I finally got an appreciable amount of sleep last night and although it was hardly blissful undisturbed slumber it was most welcome and I feel better for it. Thankfully there were fewer collisions on the landing last not as my son also fared better in the sleep stakes than he has for some time. We are both still coughing like a couple of old pit ponies and my throat is still horribly sore but I do not feel so desperately tired and that is wonderful.

I was in bed by six thirty last night and slept on and off until five this morning I made a coffee and remembered that I had a small bar of chocolate in my desk which I sat in bed eating and felling very decadent indeed. My son recently purchased for me the first series of “Upstairs Downstairs” and I watched three episodes before any one else woke up, it was lovely to watch while curled up in bed with my chocolate bar and coffee. The early episodes of this ancient series were in black and white and do not seem to be repeated on this account, in fact I do not remember ever seeing one of the episodes at all.

Another cup of coffee delivered by my son arrived and I spent another hour or so lazing about before getting up to bake the days bread. Downstairs it was quiet and cosy I enjoyed pottering about and the bread rose very quickly in the warm kitchen, soon I had four lovely seeded white loaves with glossy tops cooling under clean tea towels on the kitchen table. Pa had made a good job of tidying up last night and everything was clean and in its place.

Breakfast was at ten and we enjoyed our crumpets and jammy croissant while discussing various battles fought during the first world war. This may sound strange but we are all historians and this period is a special interest for us, although my field of expertise lies in a much earlier period. Having Pa able to join in the conversation on equal terms again was wonderful and has been throughout the week. My son and I both agree that al;thigh we have been unwell it has been a special time for us, the wonderful feeling of being at home and together has made up for all the rest, it is odd just how happy I have felt in spite of all the sleepless nights.

Twiggy has enjoyed being cosseted, she has spent a good deal of her time with me and as I have spent so much time awake she has often spent the entire night having her pretty fur stroked so at the moment she is a very happy little cat.

My son has at last lost something of the haunted air which he has had about him for the past few weeks and can at last check his e mails without dread, the fact that non of his team are being forced to leave is a great relief to him I know. Weather there will be any other repercussions it is not certain but knowing the inept bunch who are currently running the show I will wager that there will be, I have been amazed by the number of cock ups and the frankly bizarre way in which the whole business was handled. Those in charge managed to make a situation already fraught with worry and distress for all concerned even worse by their lack of backbone and their woolly mindedness .

Something about which I am delighted is that Pa is working on is model railway again, I peeped in on him at around eleven last not and there he was at the kitchen table with his track plans and modelling paraphernalia it is something I thought that I should never see again.

Tonight I intend to go to bed early again, I think that it will be a while before I am truly myself again but I am grateful that the fever has gone at last and hope that the rest of the symptoms will soon be gone. My son still seem to be in the grip of what ever this bug is and he too intends having an early night, who knows, tomorrow we may both feel much better, I am hopeful.

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