Friday, 7 October 2011


We won,we won and I still cannot believe it, after all this time and after so much heart ache we won.
Today I received a letter from the head of H.R. Informing me that all my requests were to be met. We are to receive apologies from both the Estate Manager and the Maintenance Manager our shrubbery is not to be touched and we shall not lose our home.

Great was the rejoicing when the news came through and many the visitors who came with congratulations throughout the afternoon,it has been a wonderful day for us.

This means of course that there will be no future trouble as should any one step out of line again we have their admissions that they have been harassing us for some years and will have no leg to stand on in court. Oh how I hope that they will leave us alone now to get on with our lives.

Weather this will have any baring of the estates plans for our orchard and kitchen garden I cannot say but is it very likely that they will not wish to cause us any more upset so we have hope. We also have our Member of Parliament and several Of our Local Councillors coming to a meeting about that very subject in mid November so watch this space.

Baking this afternoon was tricky as the guests came and went eating the cookies as fast I they left the oven. However I did eventually get h=ahead and now have plenty of cookies in the tins. Today I tried a new recipe , the cookies contain chopped apricots and each has a little well of apricot jam in the middle. Judging by the way in which our guests devoured them I should say n they they are pretty good. The real cookie experts, my son's work colleagues will try them over the weekend, I hope the like them.

I tried out the cookie recipe I was given recently and I must say they were delicious and I shall definitely be making a batch for the cracker tin this Christmas as they are perfect for cheese.
I should like to thank Jan for the wonderful bag of tomatoes , both plum tomatoes and beef tomatoes were most welcome. I am making another batch of chutney over the weekend and they will be a fine addition to the mixture. Thanks again Jan I shall be sure and send you a jar of the chutney.

For now though I feel very tired, as it someone sneaked up behind me and cut the strings!
Tomorrow perhaps I shall begin to believe in our victory, now I just want to sleep for a week.
Before I do I give you a toast ladies and gentlemen .So perish all our enemies!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!

    Fantastic news about your house. Sounds like you deserve an extra-large G&T and a huge plate of cookies for all your efforts in winning the battle against the Estate.

    It's good to read of successes scored by the 'little people' over the 'big people'!

    Now you can relax a bit and enjoy the coming autumn.
