Wednesday, 5 October 2011


WOW! Our meeting with the head of Human Resources was a scorcher! I had prepared a statement laying out the basic details and listed my requirements, which put simply that we should in future be subjected to no more harassment.

My good friend who happen to be an expert in these matters having represented such illustrious establishments as The Dorchester Hotel arrived at eleven thirty dressed in a very smart suit, she really looked dangerous. We ran quickly through the statement and at high noon H.R arrived with unsurprisingly the Estate Manager in tow, the looks they gave each other when they saw my friend were worth the price of a ticket and when she sat down to take notes they were not at all happy.

The H.R. Lady said..can you believe it that she had forgotten her glasses...very professional...
we were all sure that they were in her enormous handbag the whole time , this meant that she could not read the statement.

The pair of them then began to shilly shally about all sorts of issues that were nothing to do with the point of there visit but I persisted in bringing them back to the point each time,.

Now since the whole reason that the estate has been harassing us for all of this time is to get us out of this house can you believe that almost her first words were would we consider friends pencil scratched away like mad.

They tried every way they could to break my resolve but I stick to my guns and insisted that the bulling stopped at once and that we were in future left in peace, I would I told them settle for no less, and that if we were to move to another property it would have to be very suitable before I would even consider it and in a good sate of repair. That went down like the Titanic!

They then went away to think about what to do having advised me that if we took the case to court we would find it both tiring and expensive by niw they were on the ropes. What they do not know is that we have anther friend in the legal profession who specialises in employment law, the other small detail is that Pa is a Trade Union member and they just love this sort of thing. I shall surprise them with these details should there be any more trouble.

After they left we all had a stiff drink and then I went off to the shops while Pa had a nap which he badly needed poor boy. I am very tired myself but I do feel that we have at least now nailed our colours to the mast and they know that we mean business.
We await the result with interest. One thing is certain I shall never be able to thank my dear friend enough for all that she has done for us, her presence was reassuring and reminded me to keep my temper and to stay calm. Her sound advice had been invaluable and today her presence stopped the Estate people from ganging up on me which I am sure was there intention as we had been told that H.R was coming to see us alone......nice try!

After all that the boys decided that I should take it easy for the rest of the day and fish and chips were ordered, I was very hungry a I had been far to wound up to eat breakfast this morning.

All in all I think we won this round, my friend was delighted with the meeting and thinks that we are well ahead at the moment. On thing is certain they had a much harder time of it than I, poor souls, I have never seen so many coconuts fall out of a monkey tree in my life . So now we wait, at least there will be no more disturbances this week and my son will be allowed to sleep at last.

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