oday I am happy to report that the decorators were prevented from arriving at our house this morning and I also managed to stop,at least until next week the removal of our shrubbery. This meant of course that my son was able to sleep today without disturbance, even the bell-ringers at the church stayed their hands today and all was peaceful...now there's a novelty!
Pa had an early appointment at hospital for get the results of his EEG, first the great news, there is no cancer, now the good news, his epilepsy seems to be in remission, the not so good news is that he has to go into hospital at Charring Cross for a couple of days while tests are done. I am already planning lots of treats to take in when we visit, poor Pa he does go through the mill as they say “up North”.
I spent an age writing up an account of our problems for the benefit of the head of H.R who is visiting us tomorrow. I must say that my experience of these types has not been such that I set any store in her ability to help us but it is a stage which must be gone through on the way to litigation...hey ho! I do think I preferred personnel managers to Human Resource Managers, they sound like something out of Soylent Green .
I had a visit from a friend who is helping me with our case last night and she calmed me down with her common sense approach, she is a wonderful person and goes well beyond the call of duty to help when ever she can. Such people are seldom met with in these times and should be treated like gold, she has kept me sane these past weeks.
Hopefully tomorrow will bring this whole rotten business to a close, if not I shall see the blighter’s in court.
In the gathering gloom this afternoon I took a stroll round the kitchen garden and was amazed at how well grown the broad beans were already , the winter peas too look remarkably healthy. Under the protection of an enviromesh tunnel the spring cabbages show the promise of a good crop come spring. We shall have plenty of leeks and kale and the spinach which lasts until the first frost will reappear next spring as will the beetroot leaves. These with some sorrel make a wonderful healthy salad in early spring and will keep us going until the first lettuces are ready. I still hope to sow some lambs lettuce soon so that it wile be ready in time for Christmas, time is always a problem for me.
For our meal tonight I made a special pizza with ham,pannchetta, olives ,tomatoes and mozzarella cheese, served with a salad it was delicious and so easy. Tomorrow should be a baking day but as I shall be busy tomorrow I shall not bake any more bread until Thursday, this will give me time to prepare for the meeting and I shall be jolly glad when it is over.
Our neighbour from across the lane was buried today, he was an airman during the war and a damn brave one too,during the past few years his health has been bad and yet he always remained cheerful, his wife could not attend the funereal as she is very ill she has altzhiemers now. I remember them as keen bridge players who loved a gin and tonic, I raised a glass to his memory, we own his generation so much.
I am hoping for a little rain tomorrow for the gardens sake, but will happily accept the job of watering if we can keep the fine weather, just not quite so hot please.
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