Thursday, 12 April 2012


First I must apologise for yesterdays fit of the grumps,I was feeling a little sorry for myself so please pay no attention to my pathetic whinging. Not that I feel vastly better you understand but rather that I realised that I was being unfair to the boys who it is to be hoped never read any of this stuff! Today has been fun in many ways, except for the steady stream of parcels for our neighbours who appear to be doing business with several fancy dress shops judging by the packaging, some kind of role play, perhaps the costumes are for a theatrical performance of some sort..........who can say? Those assemble around the breakfast table this morning were in the main as hoarse as crows, Pa excepted who remains remarkably free from pestilence up to now. Buttered crumpets went down well but the croissant crumbs were a bit of a trail for those with sore throats. During breakfast my son and I decided not to go to Tesco as planned and instead we ordered an on-line delivery. This saved the pair of us from having to stravage about in the cold and cost less than the taxi we would have needed to bring the goods home. Communication can be a problem for us especially since my son purchased a boom box for his new computer so as a back up for the mobiles we have walkie talkie radio's with which to communicate. Tucked up in his room my son put in the online order and when as there always does questions arose he hailed me on the radio to sort things out. Pa, who was in the bathroom as this was happening was kept amused by our strange exchanges concerning the shopping list. I am sure that the amount of giggling we did made the whole process far longer than necessary but who cares it was great fun. Roasted shoulder of lamb had been chosen for tonight’s evening mean and as the cold weather has retarded the mint in the kitchen garden I made instead our favourite layered potato and cream dish the name of which totally escapes me at the moment. Fortunately there are still plenty of fresh greens in the garden and I picked a large colander full of fresh spring greens and these together with some small chantonay carrots and some garden peas completed the dish. Gravy made with the pan juices and enhanced with some rowan jelly and water from the cabbage greens completed our meal. I had cooked a large rice pudding in the oven at the same time as the meat but we were stuffed after the lamb and so it will be served cold tomorrow with fresh fruit the way Pa likes it best. Yesterday evening two members of the conservation group arrived at dusk to free the latest batch of newly hatched moths which turned out to be Emperor Moths both male and female. Even though the evening was chilly the moths wee keen to be about their business and were soon hidden in the bosky area of the garden with their mission accomplished the moth breeders departed and I took a bath before turning in. Twiggy ,my little cat was sitting in the bedroom window on my return and it was very obvious from her demeanour that there was SOMETHING of great interest to her outside the house. Sure enough as I look out across the garden a familiar shape could be seem. Tom had returned once again to his old home and was disporting himself about the front garden in a manner calculated to attract the attention of both man and beast indoors. Twiggy remained in the window looking out and I though it best not to force matters. In my heart I hope very much that one day soon my Lovely old Mr Tom will come home to stay, for now just to now that he is alive and well is enough of a blessing.

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