Sunday, 1 April 2012


Early morning at this time of the year and on a sunny morning is a joyous thing to be a part of. I awoke while the chill of early morning had not yet been chased away by the sun and oh how the birds did sing. I was treated to the full on dawn chorus and as the world began to warm up I drank my first coffee of the day seated in the open widow cuddled in a fur throw.

Gentle cooing of a wood pigeon full of sweetness was followed by the full throated song of a blackbird and the raucous announcement of a wren that his territory was being properly guarded.
Soon so many birds were singing that it was almost impossible to tell how many. Twiggy my little cat stirred in her sleep and I ,realising how early it was decided to go back to bed for another hour or so.

After breakfast and as soon as the dungeoneers had departed I made the kitchen ready for their evening party and went out I to the garden to plant some lettuces under glass. We eat a great deal of salad here and I grow a large variety of salad plants throughout the year,at this earl time I usually sow radish, rocket and red and green oak leaf lettuces. Oak leaf lettuces are the best for us as we can pick just as much as we need for on meal instead of having to pull the whole plant as with Cos or butter head types.

Twiggy disported herself about the orchard following the sun and I watched the blue tits continue their nest building as I worked. Every thing is in sore need of water and the ground is very dry< I have not heard if there is a hosepipe ban yet but even if not it would seem
irrisponsible to be using a hose at such a time. Currently our water butts are full but that will not last long and My arthritis will not permit me to lug around great cans of water. I have come to the conclusion that I need a stirrup pump such as was used by the ARP during the war, I suspect that finding one in working order will be next to impossible.

Five thirty bough the dungeouneers home for their party with as fair an assortment of whisky as I have seen in a long time, they had a Jura,wonderful stuff, a Glen Morangi of great age and great value, A bottle of the new English whisky...hmmmm, not sure about that one and a bottle of Smirnoff Black which had been reposing in my deep freeze for quite some time.

Alas my drinking days are over but I could not resist shot of the vodka chilled until syrupy and as smooth as a satin sheet on bare skin. Fragrant enough to wear as perfume this is one of my favourite Vodkas of which I my miss-spent youth I consumed considerable amounts, now a days discretion is the better part of valour and I usually stick to the odd G and T.

Huge amounts of food were consumed and perhaps that explains why no one fell over or passed out. My son is like me to the extent that he can if necessary drink any one under the table, hollow legs are a family characteristic on my side. Pa and I left them to their merry making and as always they behaved impeccably, well before they depart I shall be tucked up in bed and happy to be so.

Next week there begins a time of fun and games as my son will only be at work for about eighteen days in the next two months. Holidays and conventions, retreats and so forth, not to mention the fête at the end of the month. Soon we shall have the butterfly release followed by the moth release and this seasons bat walks begin again soon,

With the arrival of spring the tempo of our lives quickens as we move swiftly from one harvest to the next and the days pass in a blur of light and colour, bird song and the smell of warm strawberries;starry nights and the rustling of hedgehogs amongst the flower beds.
Always the same yet always surprising. Lovely life.

Slàinte maith, h-uile latha, na chi 'snach fhaic!
Good health, every day, whether I see you or no!

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