Saturday, 31 March 2012


Busy does not come close to describing today,early breakfast, visitors and a huge amount of baking has kept me on the hop since about seven and yet somehow although I am tired I feel happy and relaxed;I have enjoyed the day.

Tomorrow we are hosting yet another birthday bash for on of the Kamikaze Dungeoneers so cake and cookies as well as a bottle of the house hooch will be provided. Lemon drizzle cake was requested and I made a pair to be sure that there will be sufficient for the ravening hoards. Until recently chocolate cake was the favourite andwas asked for at almost every party but it has been superseded by the luscious lemon drizzle cake and as it take much less time to make there are nit complaints from me.

Treacle oaties in large quantities were the next job six dozen to be exact,these are also a favourite with just about everyone and as I am expecting a few guests next week I filled all the tins. The afternoon found me making a list of all the ingredients I shall need when I do the catering for the fĂȘte,it will be a huge amount of cooking but thanks to my son and his wonderful friends who will be there to help I am really looking forward to it even though there will be at least ten for breakfast that day.

Pressing on with the cooing I made a marinade for the pork, prepared all the side dishes and then made a tabbouleh and some buckwheat pancakes after which I was more than ready for a breath of fresh air. Twiggy and I strolled down the orchard path and a sudden movement near the fig tree caught my eye, I was just in time to see a blue tit enter one of the new nest boxes with a very long bit of dry grass;for once I had the camera with me and as it left the box I managed to get a decent shot which made my day.

Watching these tiny birds lugging grass and other bits and pieces into the box was a treat for me, even more so because they had chosen to nest in the box I chose and which at the time cause much merriment as it is rather ornate. Painted white and green and with a large wooden dragonfly ornament on the front no one believed it would be used, those birds have a very fancy dwelling and I am glad they seem to like it so much.

By the time dinner was over and the dishes done I was so weary that I could barely climb the stairs and I thought that I would have to miss a nights blog, but a short rest and a cup of coffee set me up again and I wanted very much to share the photograph of the birds with you
as I have waffled on about the bird boxes so much.

So now I an off to have a bath and then it's bed for me and Twiggy. Enjoy your weekend what ever you are doing, keep safe, night night.

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