Sunday, 18 March 2012


Mothers day morning always begins for me with a telephone call to my own dear mother who is almost ninety,and may she live for ever. Long ago as a child I used to find a clump of primrose or snowdrop and plant it up in a pretty pot with soft bun moss to cover the soil and a ribbon if I could beg one from granny,if not I would plait together pieces of dead grass to tie around the pot instead.

Mothers day cards were always home made and much thought went in to them,they truly came from the heart. This year the card was a shop bought one but the verse was my own,I would give anything to be able to give her a hug but the distance between us in miles defeats my ability to travel. Between our hearts there is no distance, no distance at all.

Coffee made by my son and a card resplendent with his own portrait was exactly what I wanted and the gift of a silk kaftan in rich shades of red and as soft as a whisper,his other gift of a bee house already stands in the garden awaiting a tenant.
Pa,s gift was another silk kaftan but in green and so beautiful that it looks like something out of a fairy tail,I also received a set of pretty voiles for my bedroom window, exactly what I wanted and his card was lovely decoupage vase of flowers.

Breakfast this morning was toast and marmalade for me and cheese on toast for the boys, I seldom have marmalade so it was a treat to have some.
Once my son and his friends had left for their game I cleared the kitchen and then went to buy some new strawberry plants as some of my old ones look a little woody.

Planing a meal for tonight I decided on a sea food pasta dish as I love sea food and the boys love pasta, it is also quick to do



4 pieces of white fish about 6 oz in weigh
1lb prawns fresh or frozen
1 medium, dressed crab or 2 tins of crab meat
8 anchovies
nam sauce 1 tablespoon
rind of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon of wild garlic or garlic chives
1 carton crème fresh
half a pint of milk
1 teaspoon of fresh marjoram
1 clove of garlic
1 large bag of fresh pasta, what ever sort you like.

Half fill a large pan with water add a pinch of salt and bring to the boil. Place the fish in a large frying pan with the milk, lemon rind and the garlic chives season lightly with salt and peer.
Remove the meat from the crab and grind the anchovies in a pestle with the marjoram.

Once the water is boiling add the pasta and cook according to the instructions,and poach the fish which should need about six minutes at the most. Quickly fry the prawns in a little of the butter and set aside.

Once the fish is cooked flake it in to the prawns retaining the milk . Put the milk into a sauce pan and bring to the boil, then begin to add the butter a little at time beating as you go. Remove from the heat and whisk in the crème fraich ground anchovies and marjoram.

Drain the pasta as soon as it is cooked then add the flaked fish and the prawns followed by the crab meat,then stir in the sauce.

Turn the mixture in to a large oven proof dish and sprinkle with a little parmigiana . Serve with a salad .
Instead of the parmigiana I like to use the sieved yolk of two hard boiled eggs in which case I add this eggs after the grilling has taken place.

Today has been lovely and comes at the end of a very pleasant week, all our plans are coming together at last and we hope that by the Autumn we shall have achieved our goals, my son included. In the mean time we have all of summer to look forward to with all the delights of fruit and flowers to pick and enjoy, with that happy thought I shall bid you good night.

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