Thursday, 15 March 2012



Victory for Avies Small World. By yesterday evening my blog had been taken down from the “Blogger Index” site. Having been informed that its removal could take some days I can only assume that they did not fancy several days of adverse publicity about themselves on their own site. Whatever the reason I am glad that my blog is no longer besmirched by a load of accursed advertising.

Today, what can I say,sunshine and gardening all the way. Pa's sweet peas are now planted out in containers and the canes up which they will grow are installed. Along the side of the orchard opposite the old wall there was a pathway edged by hazels and with wild roses ached across. Pots and canes have to be stored somewhere and this was my storage area, made attractive by the roses and budleia which grew there.

During the past couple of years I have been force to abandon this area as the estate kept on sending people down to hack at the rose arch and cut down the hazels,now that they have stopped their nonsense I can reclaim this lovely little pathway. Access for wheel barrows and a home for many odds and ends it is also the winter quarters of several hedgehogs and as the estate always chose to do its dirty work during the winter months this has had a catastrophic effect upon these cute little chaps.

Happily this year all is well , no unwanted estate workers appeared and our hedge hogs slept peacefully through the winter; their graceful snoring has given our little cat a good deal of amusement. Mild winters are great for slugs and there is unfortunately an abundance in the kitchen garden at the moment, our hedgehogs , awakened by the warmth of the past few days are busy reducing the slug population, bless their little hearts.

Today I reclaimed the pathway, retrained the wild roses to form an arch across the path and opened it up again. These roses are prolific fruiters and the rose hips are loved by our thrushes and blackbirds, we do all we can to encourage their growth and after all what is prettier than a wild rose on a summer morning?

While out buying seed potatoes I met one of our local councillors and we had a very interesting conversation, It was a timely meeting as I was able to invite her to out fête. She is a keen bird watcher and was concerned when I told her about the surveyors in the shelter belt. Having her on our side is a great coup and I can hardly believe my luck.
Nothing will be allowed to destroy the habitat of our kestrels, willow tit and lesser spotted woodpeckers, all rare and becoming more so by the day.

While I gardened my son spent the day writing and Pa , after a visit to hospital breakfasted upon bacon rolls and then pottered about feeding the birds he loves so much. When I watch him filling the feeders and cleaning out the dishes I marvel at his dedication as I know how much pain he is in and what it is costing him to do this job each day. It's partly why we love him so much.

Dinner tonight was north country special of potato fritters(They call then scallops in the south) and fried fish with salad .a lovely summery meal, I even cooked some king prawns as a garnish and of course lemon mayonnaise.

With the fading light our little cat had come hope and the small solar lights in the front garden are coming out like stars one by one. Soon the garden will be the domain of foxes badgers and hedgehogs, moths beetles and bats, and I if I am lucky will watch from my window, a privileged audience while the night creatures carry on their lives.

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