Monday, 5 March 2012


March has certainly come in like a lion this year,on a trip to by bird food I was obliged not only to wear a warm hat but to tie it down to prevent the wind for carrying it off! This same cold wind took liberties with the dustbins, the buggy hutch and the cat who was blown backwards down the path much to her discomfiture,

Back on the treadmill this week with my son back to work the day began early for me with the bared making, two split tins, two baguettes and two floury cob loaves one of which is destined for next door. Three cups of coffee just about had me awake and dear old Pa was up on time, a cause for shock in itself ,which also had me wide awake. Social Services were sending some one round (the person who should have come last December) to deal with our request for a stair lift and a walk in shower for Pa.

Disabled people have to jump through so many hoops to get the least consideration from the Local Authority that it seem absurd, if you see what I mean. Pa has seven consultants all of whom are amazed that after all this time we are still waiting for a decision as to weather we are eligible or not. During the past couple of years we had both suffered a considerable worsening of our conditions partly due to the lack of proper facilities. The whole system is a joke.

Breakfast was an interesting meal as we all had something different, most of our talk was of the Russian elections and that countries strange idea of fairness. I should imagine that every one knew that Putin would win, it was a foregone conclusion I can only echo the heartfelt cry of “Poor bloody Russia!” Ex KGB leader, dodgy elections, need I say more. Knowing a little of Russian history I must say that I admire them for the enormous courage and fortitude,they deserve better than they get as far as leaders are concerned.

Twiggy did not much enjoy yesterday, a house full of tall young men is not her ideal at all,she spent much of the day and a large portion of the evening sitting on a blanket inside the buggy hutch refusing even to hide upstairs. Finally as the last one clanged the gate behind him she shot in through the door, made a bolt for my bedroom and rooted herself to my bed,where she slept until called for her belated dinner......poor old puss.

Today all was well the brisk wind had her chasing wind blown scraps of paper and dead leaves around the garden for hours until, quite exhausted she resumed her winter roost in my room, warm and cosy she purred like anything until at last she fell asleep.

My son did not wake as late as I would have liked this morning and so I made him stay snuggled up in bed periodically taking him a mug of coffee or a pot of tea, this treatment along with a box of Bendick's mints left over from Christmas gave the day a happy and relaxed feel which I am sure he needed to fit him for the week ahead. When the Kobayashi Maru sets sale again tonight I want him in the best possible frame of mind, after all even Jim Kirk did not have to deal with the “No win scenario” every day!

Dinner should have been lasagne but during last nights knees up we forgot to defrost the mince. Instead I chose a selection of fish, breaded plaice, scampi and Coley gougons which I served with dill coated jacked wedges,garden peas and lemon pepper dip with a hot tomato dip for my son . Along with some well buttered new bread and a little salad this meal went down very well with the troops I am glad to report. Tomorrow we shall have the lasagne.

Darkness is falling as I write and the wind has increased considerably in the last hour or so. Periodically a bump ,bang or clang tells of a dustbin adrift of a branch giving up the struggle of staying on the tree. Just a short while ago a badly anchored tarpaulin of considerable size flapped over the garden like a dragon with tails of rope trailing behind. Along the lane two roofers have been at work all day ans we have felt so sorry for the poor boys attempting to work in the tearing wind, I suspect that the escaped tarpaulin is one of theirs.

Occasional stronger gusts are causing the curtains to billow almost as if the window was open and there is a constant patter of flying twigs torn from the Lime tree at the bottom of the garden. Oblivious to all this my little cat sleeps on, quiet now, not so much as a whisker has twitched for the past fifteen minutes, the contrast between the quiet cosy interior and the storm without seems even more marked than before.

How I wish that my son did not have to go out tonight,I shall be neither cosy nor quiet in my mind until he calls to tell me he has arrived safely at work, a habit we have developed since the night he was mugged. Once I know that he is safe I too shall curl up in bed, if Twiggy will make room for me and very gladly fall asleep as she did safe from the storm outside.

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