Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Since I would far rather spend time in my garden at this time of the years that loiter about in the kitchen constructing complex meals this recipe serves me very well for a mid week dinner,the variations are endless and the boys love it.
Cheats pizza
1 pack of ready rolled all butter puff pastry
half a tube of tomato purree
pinch of Italian seasoning
half a teaspoon of garlic salt
1 large mozzarella ball of 1 cup of grated mozzarella
6 small mush rooms
2 tomatoes
1 pack of ham
6 slices of panchetta
olive oil
Place the pastry on a large greased baking sheet and spread on the tomato purred.
Sprinkle with the garlic salt Italian seasoning and a good grating of black pepper then pile the other ingredients on the top leaving a gap of about an inch all round the edges. Drizzle a little oil on top and bake at 200oC in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.

Serve with a salad and a dish of olives, for q saltier taste add a few anchovies .

Having saved so much time I was able to prepare the ground for and plant out two dozen new strawberry plants. I must say that the kitchen garden is looking good in spite of the odd weather, kale OS plentiful and a superb crop of spring greens is almost ready to pick. Sorrel, red and white mustard and red sorrel are being used almost daily for salads and garnishes. Only there broad beans succumbed to the heavy frosts of last month, and the winter peas were eaten by slugs during the exceptionally mild November.

I began the day unconscionably early due to a blasted power out, much messing about was required to ascertain the cause and to take steps to ensure that my son, who thank the Gods arrived home late could have a hot bath and a pot of coffee.

Pa never recovered from the early start to the day and t three thirty I was waking him up for the umpteenth time, this played havoc with the state of my temper
Today our stairs were measured for the stair lift and with luck three months or so should see it installed. I do hope nothing happens to prevent this from happening as Pa is really looking forward to not having to struggle up the stairs .

Bad hair days are happening all to often these days, my hair is very long and as a rule I tie it back in a pull through tail. The problem is the fringe and sides which are short and inclined to curl, finding the time to mess with my hair is difficult and the recent wind and rain have taken liberties. I always say that my hair is the one thing that I cannot control with a firm voice,perhaps the time has come to get the regulation hair cut after all.

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