Friday, 16 March 2012


Seemingly I celebrated too soon, my blog is AGAIN being used as a vehicle for advertising by the despicable pirates at “Blogger Index”. Pests such as these are indistinguishable from tape worms, warble flies and other unpleasant parasites and it is my fervent hope that those responsible fall prey to severe diarrhoea or haemorrhoids, hopefully both at the same time!

Good things do happen even so and this morning the nice gentleman from social services came to tell us that we would not after all have to contribute towards the cost of the stair lift and the walk in shower. Somewhere on their calculations there had been an error and now that it has been set right we shall not have to find around four hundred pounds which believe me comes as a considerable relief.

Pa almost cried with relief and so did I and when the man told us that the bathroom would be decorated after the work was done I was speechless, it is almost too good to be true. Even more amazing is the fact that they want to put in a downstairs lavatory in the under stairs pantry which is currently full of junk,this will mean so much less stair climbing for Pa and I so if it can be done it will be wonderful.

Several weeks ago a disaster with the washing machine ruined several pair of my trousers and for of my tops and as we were contemplating the expenditure on the bathroom and stair lift I did not feel inclined to spend money on clothes. With that treat lifted I decided to buy a pair of trousers and a couple of tops as I am rather short of clothes to wear at home while I am doing housework. Behold the supermarket had on the mast amazing sale I have ever seen and I picked up two pairs of trousers, three tops and a light weight Jersey for £12.30, they are much better quality than I would have purchased ordinarily and cost far less and I am so pleased.

When Pa's leg brace broke the other day it left several oily black patches on the carpet and these have until today proved impossible;e to shift. Desperate measures were called for and so I rubbed in some dry biological washing powder, left it for half an hour and then ran the steamer over it and to my amazement the stains disappeared, more good luck.

Take it all around this has been a remarkable day and we were very merry during dinner, Pa especially as the improvements will make his life so much easier and give him back a little independence, a great thing indeed. As for me it will mean more struggling up the stairs with loads of laundry, they will in future be sent up on the stair lift;and no longer shall I have to shuffle down stairs on my bum when my muscles go in to spasm of when my knee locks.

Needless to say that we are heartily grateful for all that is being done to help us, the people we are dealing with this time behave like professionals while retaining their compassion and I am happy to tell you they the chap who came to measure the bathroom this morning stayed for breakfast this time, I think that perhaps we have made a new friend, I hope so.

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