Sunday, 25 March 2012


Losing an hour always causes a degree of trouble in our household,as none of us every get enough sleep at the best of times. My son who is working the night shift this week arrived home exhausted, Pa could not be persuades to get out of bed and as for me,in spite all I love it. For me it heralds the real beginning of spring, an extra hour of light at this time of year means more time in the garden,time to sit and enjoy it all and to watch the change from birds to bats and butterflies to moths and flying beetles.

Evening is a time I have always loved, as a child in the north of England the extended twilight was almost magical as the world hung between day and night and the sky change every moment from pale blue to pink then purple and gold ,radiant red and at the last a blue of indescribable depth.
Here in the south twilight is much shorter and after living in the south for twenty years it still catches my by surprise when the light dwindles so quickly away.

Opening my bedroom window to all the glory of a spring morning sent my spirits soaring and I enjoyed a cup of coffee while the quiet of a Sunday morning lapped around me in gentle waves,until the bell ringers began their Sunday peel and very good it was. Pa was persuaded to leave his bed with the promise of a full English breakfast if he was quick about it, that did the trick and I kept my promise.

With the chores finished I headed for the garden to finish an important job. April the first brings with it a drought order,let us hope that it also brings the much sung of April Showers. Since I am unable to water with cans I am putting a 5” mulch of bark chippings on the front garden which is in the sun for most is the day, this will I hope spare the flowers the worst rigours of the draught and enable e t concentrate upon the vegetables as best I can.
Once again the sun was warm and all around the primroses glowed under the trees in the orchard.

All too soon it was time to prepared dinner,cottage pie with carrots and spring greens from the garden and I must say those greens were worth the considerable trouble they caused during the winter. Tonight is my sons' last shift and on Monday we begin our week off, how we are all longing for the time (soon we hope) when he will be able to give the bums a merry two fingered salutation and shake the dust of the place from his shoes! I only hope that he can keep his temper until it suits him to leave but this is by no means certain, they have traded upon his good will for far too long and that goes for the rest of the work force too.

Will anyone have a wager with me that David Miliband challenges brother Ed for the Labour leadership and quite soon. Incidentally were do those two boys get their hair done,?It appears to have been carved rather than cut giving them both a Pinocchio look which I find rather odd.

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as I and I wish you all a happy goodnight.

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