Friday, 2 March 2012


What a strange day this has been and how busy, I have done so many different things and been in so many different places that I feel I have lived through a whole week rather than just a few hours.

Friday is always busy here of course but today we sat the record for chaos and mayhem.
Breakfast was not a nearly as it should have been as Pa could not be persuaded pt upraise himself from his bed,the fact that e
he had an early hospital appointment did not seem to fill him with the proper sense of urgency but eventually he surfaced and we had freshly made potato cakes well buttered for our meal.

Pa set off for the hospital and I made the days bread and cleared the kitchen ready for cleaning. Ignored emails and unanswered phone messages were my next CHORE!!! This took far too long . With Pa still out I took the second buggy and having made arrangements as to what was to be done about paying the computer repair man I lit out for Tesco's like a cat with it's tail ablaze!

Fresh fruit especially lemons for the birthday lemon drizzle cake were needed, in fact quite a lot of fruit and vegetables. Ocado for some reason best known to themselves have ceased pt deliver Doves Farm flours and even Allinsons white or whole meal seeded ave been unavailable for some weeks. Friday shopping at any supermarket is in my opinion ill advised but needs must unfortunately.

Hoards of people clustered around a number of stands selling a variety of garments a ridiculously low prices and the jumble sale atmosphere certainly bough out the worst on the ravening throng. Much snatching and grabbing of infant clothing was apparent and a most unseemly struggle between to elderly ladies over a fur trimmed coat which was to be frank far to young a style to suit either of them. Avoiding the ladies and children wear for fear of life and limb I caught up in passing a couple of good shirts for my son, he has been so good to me this week that I felt he deserved a treat.

These day it is becomeing increasingly difficult to find such things as whole nutmegs or even more hopeless blade mace. Groung nutmeg and powdered mace just will not do at all. Today a grand tour of all the small shops in the area turned up a dozen whole nutmegs,the blade mace I am still seeking. if you come across this rare comodity do please let me know.

Horrors at the checkout are common place and today was no exception I was shunted from behind several times by irate harpies with loaded trolleys in such a hurry to leave the premises that they attempted to pass through me instead of going around. One of these caught the attention of the security staff and he insisted upon checking out all her purchases against her receipt and I watched amused as I packed my shopping in to bags. Passing him later he said with a grim,”That will teach her to take her time,” He had seen her ram my it seemed and wondered why she was in such a rush.

Back home to unpack, make coffee, deal with yet more calls and callers then out with the steamer and off I went,every floor in the house was in need but by the time I had done the upstairs It was I and not the machine which ran out of steam and so Pa took over and did the kitchen, living room and porch, we decided to ignore the stairs for once.

Running rather late I was concerned that we should be in the middle of dinner when the computer repair man arrived and so I was thankful when he called to tell me that he too was running late and that he would call in tomorrow instead of this evening, it was when he told me that he would be with us at ten in the morning that I though ,this is where I can in.

Seven O clock finds me in a state of collapse ready for a bath and bed however Pa is still in need of his bath and until he is settled I am on duty. No rest for the wicked, the old saying goes, I must have been infernally evil in some past existence . I just hope that I enjoyed it.

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