Monday, 9 April 2012


When my son arrived home last night it was very evident that all was not well, he had a temperature,felt ghastly and the final clue was a nose like a squashed tomato,winter flu had struck. Of course I dosed the poor chap with decongestant and paracetamol to reduce his temperature which did seem rather high.
Uncontrollable shivering is never a good sign and no matter how many warm covers we piled upon him he still shivered alarmingly,a disturbed night followed with much brewing of hot drinks. Morning found the patient woebegone and far too unwell to attend the last day of the conference...from this you may know how rotten he must have been feeling. At breakfast he stared for a while at a bowl of porridge drank some orange juice after which I persuaded him to return to bed,unusually he needed little persuading.
Pa returned from a foray to the supermarket loaded with such necessaries as balsam tissues, cough mixture and a variety if tasty items likely to tempt the appetite of the poor sufferer.

In the kitchen a large joint of beef waited on the counter for my attention which I admit was rather half hearted as I was deadly tired and felt it likely that no one would feel like eating.. peas prepared the Yorkshire pudding batter after setting the beef to roast.

Comforting myself with the thought that cold beef is always handy for sandwiches and the Yorkshire pudding batter would make pancakes for breakfast tomorrow if it went unused at dinner,While the kitchen was empty I made the second banner needed for the fĂȘte, this one will not be on show until the day of the do the other is already boldly announcing the delights to come on the railings out side our home where it has been getting a good deal of attention.

Dinner went a little better than I had anticipated and everyone managed to eat something I am glad to report. More than anything I wanted to have a hot bath and go straight to bed and to that end I chivvied Pa along so that I should not have to wait around to make sure he was OK while bathing. Last night it was past two in the morning before I finally got him settled and only then after reading him the riot act very loud indeed! He chose to stay up for half the not,I did not, silly old buffer!

Sitting at my desk I have at my right hand a large mug of very hot coffee in which as a very large measure of very good Scotch,on my left is my little cat,she too is hoping for a night with less disturbance than the last one. Pa is safely out of the tub and ready for bed, faint snoring is emanating from my sons bedroom so at least for now he is asleep,time for my hot bath and I hope a few hours sleep before I am needed again. Fingers crossed!

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