Friday, 25 May 2012


Today was Pa's third day in hospital and during those three days we have quite naturally been interested in how he is getting along, what progress ,if any is being made and of course when came we expect him home? Pa himself has no idea, the nurses have no idea ,the clinical technician who is running the tests has no idea and the specialist in charge of the case makes himself so exclusive that none of the nurses actually know who he is.

When yesterday I visited Pa he told me that he would probably be coming home today, last night when I called him he said the same thing, this morning he tells me that the nurses
think he May be discharged today but they cannot be certain until the elusive specialist deigns to put in an appearance. The fact of the matter is that we were no wiser and this has made life rather difficult.

Further complications have manifested themselves in that Pa was told that his medications were to be change while he was under observation and apparently this has not taken place and Pa is now worried that he may have to stay in longer for this to be done. Pa was admitted to hospital for between one to five days and so far every day we are being told that he will be coming home tomorrow, since the hospital is quite a long and logistically difficult journey away this uncertainty has made visiting very difficult.After all since it takes such an age to get to the hospita; Pa could be back home before I arrive to visit him!

During the past few days I have formed the opinion that no one actually knows why Pa is is being kept in bed with about twenty cables attached to his head, and being filmed around the clock. Apart from checking his stats three of four times a day and regaling him periodically with disgusting meals he sees no one and talks to no one. He is going slowly potty, the room is sweltering, the windows will not open and he may not take a bath.

Long,long ago when a patient was unable to bathe a nurse was detailed to wash and shave the patient, not any more, Poor old Pa is stubbly and he is getting rather whiffy to, normally he bathes once a day so he is finding this intolerable.

Today, tomorrow,Sunday, who knows and in the mean time I am trying to prepare the house for the builders another group who are vague as to their comings and goings as we have still not been informed just when to expect them, soon is as good as if gets.

Morning turned to afternoon and the afternoon wore on with no word from Pa and we resigned ourselves to another night without the old boy. Vodka was needed for the Blueberry vodka which to say truth I am rather late in making this year so I decided to trot out and buy some and it was during this trip that Pa called to tell me that he could come home.

Quick as a flash I sent a taxi it pick him up, called my son with the good news and hurried home. Having only about an hour I steamed the kitchen floor, covered the fence with bunting, ran the Union Jack up the flag pole and picked a gorgeous bunch of flowers from the garden for Pa's room.

Pa received quite a welcome as some friends arrived just as he did and came in for tea and cakes and even Twiggy appeared clamouring for his attention,poor little cat, she has missed him sorely.

Finally when everyone had gone we ran a hot bath for the dear old chap while I prepared dinner,since my son is still suffering with a very sore throat pasta In a creamy sauce was decided upon followed by iced cream and chilled sarsaparilla.

Knowing that Pa is safe at home I am more relaxed than have been for days and very glad also that shall not have to endure another dreadful trip to visit him as this afternoon my knee joint gave up and I fell and hurt myself , the knee is now the size of a football bit I do not care, Pa is home and as soon as I have finished this blog I shall make hot chocolate for him and pop him in to bed for he is very tired.

My son and I may watch a film but I suspect that after all that has happened these past days we shall both fall asleep in our chairs long before the end.

Weekend is here and I wish for everyone a happy and sunny holiday.

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