Sunday, 6 May 2012


Apologies for my foul mood of yesterday,thankfully all is now well and I am back in the pink...whatever that is?

Breakfast with my son this morning was rather special as we had Twiggy for company,since my son returned from his vacation she has sought his company every morning on his coming home from work.

Much merriment was gained from the council election results and I make no secret of the fact that the sound thrashing given to the Liberals gave me enormous satisfaction, I know of course that the views of the liberal council do not always reflect the actions of the Parliamentary Party ,it is their leader I object to. Damn a man who breaks his word!
Incidentally have seen nothing of Mr Clegg since the results were announced, the chinless Danny Alexander seems to be fronting things at present.

Discomfiture of a different sort has fallen upon Prime Minister Cameron, in fact trouble of several kinds seems to be heading in his direction. Trounced at the Polls, caught sending lovey dovey messages to Rebecca Whosit! Accusations of his being out of touch with reality,oh really,I am surprised!

George Osbournes performance on the Andrew Mar show equalled anything I have ever seen by either of The Chuckle Brothers, he truly has waffling down to a fine art, the appearance of the school snitch and is in short an oily little oik!

Before I go any further I should like to say that I have always found Boris Johnson amusing,as a talk show guest he is erudite and very entertaining., I also suspect that beneath the fools motley their lurks a very clever fellow. However I deplore his politics and I feel that swapping one overgrow ,over privileged school boy for another will be of little benefit to the ordinary person struggling to survive.

On there other hand Living stone made so many gaffs that one began to doubt his sanity,the rest of the candidates are not worth mentioning, except to remark that if the Green party had really wanted to be taken seriously they should not have asked Swampies granny to stand for Mayor.

Betwixt and between all this political stuff I made a huge batch of potato cakes some of which Pa and I ate for breakfast,went shopping , made two lemon drizzle cakes, a dish of bakes pasta cheese and ham and made six small cheese soufflés for tomorrow, well at least the first baking.
Reading this blog I do seem to be glorying rather in the misfortunes of others,I always understood this to be the essence of comedy (man slips on banana skin).try this for size.
While tying up the blinds this morning I observed our arch enemy the maintenance manager unloading some gear from his white van. normally endowed with a tonsured thatch of curly hair he has recently had his head shaved,the bullet headed look does nothing for him I must say.

Sitting on the wall above his van were a large number of pigeons and as he emerged from the vehicle he waved his arms and shouted “Geroutofit!” Instantly obedient they took flight and the next moment he clapped his hands to his head as both he and his van suffered a series of direct hits. His high and mighty pomposity was seriously dented by the screams of laughter which his predicament called forth from a party of church goers, a young lady on a horse and of course me.

So perish all my enemies!

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