Friday, 11 May 2012


Today all manner of unexpected events occurred which made the day both interesting and troublesome all at once. Our plan for the day had been to had a lazy breakfast and the as I had no cooking other than the bread to bake I was to spend some precious time in my garden planting the roses recently given to me by the garden centre. Now I shall tell you what actually happened.
Breakfast was late rather than lazy bout pleasant none the less,I made the bread,washed the dishes and due to circumstances beyond my control I had mu left thumb trapped in a door. This slowed me down a little , I put a cold compress on the afflicted member and went out to by iced cream before attempting to plant my roses.

Returning from my little jaunt I was waylayed by my neighbour who is moving out today in to a larger property on the other side of our cottage so we shall still be neighbours. Knowing that I had once been a bespoke curtain designer had asked my to measure up his windows and advise him on what the buy,there goes my garden time I thought.

Arriving at his new abode we discovered that my bees had swarmed and had landed in a tall conifer in his new garden. Panic among those still putting the finishing touches to the decore had caused the bees to become a little humpty. Swarming bees can be unpredictable at the best of times but being poked with a yard brush and having sheets flapped at then is calculated to cause trouble. Thankfully someone had the presence of mind to call our local bee man and he came with skep and smoker moved the queen bee in to the skep and soon the workers followed,the swirling mass of angry bees subsided and all was quiet once more.

Five years of experience with this colony tells me that for some reason they always swarm in May, not June as is more usual,They are generally quiet happy bees and unless someone molests them the do not sting. What kind of moron walks in to a swarm of bees and swishes at them with a yard brush? Let us draw the cloak of charity over their foolishness, it is sufficient to say that they got everything they deserved!

Measuring curtains for ones self is easy ,measuring for curtains when one is being paid is relatively easy, measuring for curtains for a friend is almost impossible as even though they know you are and expert they never want to hear the awful truth about pattern repeats ,double widths and even worse the correct way to put up track and poles and where each is most appropriate.
They seem to feel that as you area friend you will somehow be able to whisk away all the difficulties, wave a magic wand and hey...instant curtains. Ask me for my expert advice and that is exactly what you get,if you did not wish to know the correct way why ask at all?

Fortunately we are very good friends so we had a good laugh afterwards and all was well.

Measuring the windows in a five bedroomed house take s time especially when you at arguing the toss over each window and when some of the rooms have as ,any as four windows, this meant that my gardening time was cut to less than a hour. Resigned I decided to plant my precious climbing roses and transplant a few lettuces before dinner.
Lovely does not do justice to the orchard at this time ans so sweet is the scent there that I could have stayed there all days just sniffing the air.

Long lush grass at the edges of the orchard and under the big old apples tree is over topped with bluebells and from these come the sweetness,I sat for a moment or two in the swing and closed ,my eyes the better to enjoy my surroundings,a whirr of wings told me that my robin had arrived and was perched close to my head on the swings wooden frame.
Later while digging up worms for my little friend I noticed that young blue tits peeping out of their nest box impatient to be out in the world,on a slightly higher branch in the fig tree the parent birds were scolding them. Tomorrow They will leave the nest and we shall see them at the feeders where meal worms and suet await their needs.

Dinner consisted of cold meats and cheeses, fresh salad from the garden and of course fresh baked bread. My poor son is now totally speechless, now and then he feebly croaks a request for a drink,this wretched infection has indeed laid him low and if he is no better by Monday I shall pack him of the see his GP. Asthma has plagued him for most of his life and although he has pretended that he no longer has it since he left school he coughs and wheezes alarmingly in the mornings and a chest cold can make him very ill indeed.

Today we have lost a good neighbour for although he will only be on the other side O the fence it is not the same as sharing a wall as it were. Soon we shall have new people next door and if they are half as nice as those now leaving we shall consider ourselves fortunate.
While I was measuring windows the stair lift man arrived and took the final measurements so it will be a matter of a few weeks now before the stair lift is in place.

Snuggling down in their hive a new colony of bees has joined the merry throng and once again I was their to witness this amazing spectacle . One thing is certain however I must find time to get in to the garden soon and for much more that an hour, I intent to hang a sign on my door “Peanuts” fashion saying “THE DOCTOR IS OUT!”

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