Monday, 23 July 2012


Daylight was well established before I fell asleep last night and so I enjoyed the lovely cool night air while watching the young fox cubs,now well grown play fighting togethe up and down the orchard. Pipistrell bats were busy snapping up moths and flying beetles of which there were a great multitude.

Two tom cats arrived at about two thirty and proceeded to perform a discordant duet upon the garden wall,ten minutes later three more had joined them and a full blown choir practice was under-way. Twiggy,to whom I supposed they were singing remained impassive and at last I was obliged to terminate their impromptu concert with the aid of a powerful water pistol kept handy for the purpose! This was not an isolated event.
I made a pot of tea and indulged in my secret vice of munching Oreo biscuits, very naughty indeed. At precisely four in the morning the first plane screamed over head (we live on the Heathrow flight path) and I was resigned to no sleep at all .Even so I switched on the news climbed in to bed and fell fast asleep during the weather forecast.

Rising early to make the bread meant that I had only a couple of hours,but hey,that’s better than none. Down stairs I discovered that Pa had for once slept well,I gave him coffee and got on with the bread.

My son,who begins a week of night shifts tonight should have slept in late but a combination of low flying aircraft,heat and open windows did not permit this and when our local campanologists began to practice their Sunday peel he gave up and joined Pa and I for breakfast.

Through out the course of today I have struggled to remain awake and have accomplished very little, every time I stopped moving around I dozed off and as I was very sore from yesterdays exertions that was the one thing I did not wish to do much of. How the hell my son will manage at work tonight I dare not think.

The sun has now shone for two whole days and the meteorologists are assuring us that summer has arrived at last. I give it no credence and shall continue to pack a raincoat in the buggy pack when ever I venture forth. Wouldn't it be lovely if it were true?

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