Saturday, 28 July 2012


What an infernal pain in the behind are the companies that importune us around the clock to use their services to claim back ,( presuming that we had any in the first place) our miss sold P.P.I.

During the past week we have received an average of four calls a day on our land line and collectively on our various mobiles well over a dozen. Over a period of four days I have been woke six times by these parasitic pests,they really are worse than midges and a darn sight more noisy!

The fact the no one living at this address has taken out P.P.I seems to be beside the point, they claim to know that I have a claim worth over £3,000......rubbish. I can only assume that the have one of those extremely expensive lines which charge any one rash enough to call a small fortune per minute. Unless of course in a moment of madness which I have now totally forgotten I took out P.P.I. On the credit card I do not have or the bank loan I never took out.

What aggrieves me more than all is the fact that there is no way to take revenge upon these menaces since the calls are automated,it's a bummer! Many years ago when I lived in the Midlands there was a dreadful commercial which kept exhorting one to call”Cradely Heath 65100 NOW, we are waiting to take your call!!! This number was screamed at lest ten times on every ad and the ad was aired every fifteen minutes and soon became unbearable.

Everyone hate this commercial and soon began to take revenge upon the company. Having been ordered to make the call people did so in their thousands,not to enquire about the product but to yell obscenities at the poor sap on the other end of the line. Soon enough the add was with drawn and I believe the company went on to publish a lexicon of foul and blasphemous language.

Another company claims to know that I could, if I used their services claim a cheque for £6,500 for an accident which took happened at my place of work.

NEWSFLASH...........I have not had any accidents that were not my own stupid fault since I was knocked off my motor bike by a drunk back in 1972, and as it happens I have not had an employer for twelve years.

This type of call comes through so often that I begin to wonder if perhaps I am leading a double life of perhaps I slip occasionally into another dimension and have endless accidents at work.....who can say?

Seriously though I do think that it is time the cold calling racket was stopped. People like myself have to answer their telephones,my mother is almost a hundred,I worry about her. Perhaps Pa needs me,perhaps it is the I rushed to answer the telephone today and took a very nasty fall.

Hmmmmm. I wonder if the company who caused this accident would sue themselves on my behalf for the injury I received when trying to get to the bloody telephone to take one of their bloody calls? What do you think?

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