Thursday, 19 July 2012


Having enjoyed our cawl so much I decided to make a few more Welsh teats remembered from my child hood. One of the very best were the delicious Welsh cakes which my Aunt Cissy always had ready for us when we arrived for our holiday,they can be eaten at any time and are best served cold.


I must say that an iron griddle is much the best means of cooking Welsh cakes but with care a heavy bottomed frying pan should do the trick.

8oz self raising flour

1 egg

4oz salted butter

a handful of sultanas

3 oz caster sugar

extra butter for greasing, clarified if possible

Rub the fat in to the flour to make breadcrumbs then add the dried fruit and et sugar followed by the egg. Mix well and form in to a dough ball.

Roll out to a quarter of an inch thick and cut in to rounds with a 3” pastry cutter.

Grease the griddle,bake stone or frying pan with the clarified butter, then heat. Place the Welsh cakes on the griddle turning only once,they need about 2 minutes each side and each side need to be well browned before turning,remove from the pan and dust with caster sugar while warm.

When cool split and butter them,some put on jam but \I think they are much nicer buttered.

Five weeks have elapsed since my mobility scooter broke down and it has taken until today for the insurance company to decide if they will pay for the repairs.

The scooter needed some major work on the gears and the electrics and this work ,according to the insurance policy was definitely covered. One day was all it took to get the quote from the insurance companies registered repair why the wait?
A mobility scooter is not something one rides around on for fun,it is a necessity and since the insurance company we use specialises in insurance cover for these useful little vehicles you would think that a: they would have all the details readily to hand and b: they would realise how dependant the use is on his machine and damned well pull their fingers out!

We are very fortunate in tat we each have a scooter,however it was not satisfactory as quite often we both have appointments at the same hospital at similar times and of course if Pa needs to be out then I must of necessity be stuck at home. Not so, they have havered and blethered over every detail and finally today have agreed most magnanimously to cover the cost of the repairs. Now we have to wait for the repairs to be done...he ho!
Adding insult to injury that have told us that one of the scooters is now to old to be insured for any repair other words just when the scooter is old enough to need worn out parts to be replaced they refuse to insure the contraption,how tiresome and how typical. Our new scooter which is still under warranty they are happy to insure...what a surprise!

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