So it was that
yesterday Pa gave them a call about it and they promised to come and
collect the stuff this morning.
This morning at 6 55 am
I was awakened by a violent hammering on the door and a lot of
shouting, it took a while for me to collect myself and as I struggled
down the stairs(There was not time to call the stair-lift) I wondered
if perhaps there was a gas leak or perhaps the river was about to
inundate us. I opened the door and there in the lane I saw the errant
refuse collectors.
One of them,
a red
faced individual with receding hair emptied our food waste bin and
them holding it high above his head he proceeded to throw the object
as hard as he could,so hard that it landed half way down the garden
path. During the course of his actions he had continued to rant,b it
was not until he returned to the house in company with fluorescent
yellow colleague that I realised the burden of his utterings.
“Where's yer plastic,
where is it eh, where's yer plastic.” In fact there should have
been a large bag of plastic waste with the food waste. Unfortunately
we have been obliged to remove it from the pavement as it kept
getting blown about and had caused a number of complaints.
The red faced character
gave me to understand that it was all my fault that he had been sent
out at the crack of dawn.....that it wasn't his round,that we were
wasting his ******* time!!
All this he screamed
like a man demented while flailing his arms.
I attempted to explain
to him the reason why the plastics bag was in the yard and not on the
road side,it was clear that he expected me to bring it out to the
road. In my nightdress and slippers and still half asleep I gave him
to understand that he would have to get it himself and the sound and
fury became even greater as barging past me he took the plastics bag
to the truck before casting it to the ground at the side of the road.
Of course I have lodged
a complaint and I expect to here within a few days.
Later in the day I
received a letter from the Estate Manager to let me know that they
intend to begin the destruction of my orchard soon. Would I like to
talk about it,he asked....you bet I want to talk about it. He tells
me he may use contractors rather than estate staff, this is
,presumably so that when the wild residents in the orchard are
disturbed it will not be estate workers in court.
They may well tare down
the trees and level the fruit beds but every move they make will be
filmed and should any harm befall either bird or beast I shall have
the evidence to stop any further inroads.
This has worked before
and it will again. I cannot imagine how they can level the ground on
which there is a fox earth without destroying the cubs which will be
born in a few weeks time. Even if the work begins next week,this
will leave the foxes no time to find another earth. The earth has
been used by the same pair for some years, and we have watched the
young kits playing in the orchard,they have become members of our
family and although they lead totally normal lives in the wild the
have been know to come and ask for help when in trouble.
There are at least
half a dozen hedgehogs hibernating in the undergrowth soon to be
ripped out.
Hibernating newts frogs
and toads.
There is never a good
time of year to destroy such valuable habitat, every living thing
will be destroyed by the action of a greedy landlord and a local
authority which cares more for section 106 money than it does for the
land in its care.
We have fought a bitter
battle and in spite of all we shall fight on, because if a
conservation area such as this is not safe from the developers then
nowhere and nothing is safe.
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