Monday, 6 January 2014


And further more a pox upon all those smart assed pundits hauled in by the ears to commentate on news items. Am I angry? You bet your britches I am!

Last night while watching the B.B.C. News I watched a segment in which the newspapers are perused and commented upon by a couple of guests. I cannot tell you who last nights excuses for intelligent human beings were,and this is a pity as without their names I cannot place upon the pair the curse they so richly deserve!

A headline in one of the papers commented upon the “Triple lock” ,.....stupid expression.... placed upon state pensions by the Chancellor George(we're all in it together) Osborne. In their opinions this measure was simply a bribe to make sure the elderly”of whom there are far too many” would vote for Conservative at the next general election.

They insisted that the elderly were loaded with money and rather than having their income secured money should be taken from them and given to more worthy members of society.
The money should be given to those who have to used food banks......excuse me................I personally know a number of senior citizens who rely on food bank in order to survive. Especially in winter when so much of their pension is spent on heating and lighting.

Give the money to those with children they cried. Yes I agree that it is scandalous that in our country today British children are going hungry and are cold ,but how will starving the old and sick help to save our beleaguered economy?
As I listened to this clap-trap I become so angry with the pair of over privileged,ignorant ,opinionated twerps that I could have screamed.

Our crackpot Government have set aside,ring fenced and so forth huge amounts of Taxpayers money to provide aid for third world countries, you could n't make it up.

For the record these two maggots also felt it was scandalous that children should receive free school meals,much better to spend the money on housing.

If our people cannot afford to feed their children,if the elderly must go hungry and sit huddled in blankets how do these Oiks suppose they can afford to buy or even rent a decent home.

For their information most pensioners not have Private Pensions. Private Health insurances,a little place in the country or the south of France. They live a hand to mouth existence and more than likely spend less on food in a week than the ignorant baggage on last nights news spends on a pair of tights!
I blame the B.B.C for giving air time to such air heads as these. If we must spend time rustling tomorrows newspapers can we please have a panel of better informed types ,THANK YOU!

Let us not forget the reason why we are all in this bloody mess,it was not the elderly,who's pension funds were plundered by Gordon Brown. It was not those who have been rendered unemployed and are now called scroungers by the very people who caused this bloody mess!
It certainly was not the disabled,nor was it the children and young people of this country who's futures have been sacrificed upon the alter of corporate greed and political ineptitude,who created this bloody mess!

The guilty are still patronising the "high end shops" they are still drinking fine wine in the best restraunts, for them nothing has changed....All in it together my Aunt Fanny!!

And as for the two maggots in question I wish for them the misery of trying to live on the pittance given to the elderly,the sick and the unemployed. I wish for them the experience of going hungry so that their children can eat. I wish for them in old age the horror of watching the snow fall in the knowledge they have not enough money for the heating bill.

Come to think of it ,a dose of this treatment would not hurt anyone who thinks that senior citizens are scroungers. Karma.
End of rant!

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