Friday, 31 January 2014


And what a wet ,stormy and thoroughly miserable month it has been. Avies small world has been lucky so far ,unlike those poor souls in Somerset who I mentioned last night.
I find it incredible that the powers that be have seen fit to reject help from the Marines and plumped instead for the services of the Fire Brigade!

If you need to have pontoon bridges ,who better than the marines, all the Fire Brigade has is pumps and let us be fair, they have been singularly ineffectual during the pat month. When entire communities are cut of by flood and living literally in a cess pit for weeks one wonders at the Governments lack of positive action.

OK,OK, so D.E.F.R.A have met today , and while I am not au fait with their findings I would have to say that they are about a month too late.

One hopes that the problems face by these low lying towns and villages will bring to their senses the developers who are determined to build huge numbers of family homes in areas know to be at risk from flooding. One hopes, but one suspects that greed will triumph as usual , so that some time in the not too far distant future we shall be watching news reports telling of massive loss of life such as happened on Canvy Island in the fifties
To anyone rash enough tp purchase of of these death traps I say "Bon chance"

In Japan anyone caught building substandard housing,or making toys that are dangerous ,in fact any one caught endangering the public for profit is severely deal with,in some cases the death penalty is invoked.

I believe that the people who build these dangerous”family homes” should be obliged to live in them them selves, just as the supporters of a third runway at Heather row should be forced to live. ,r try too live under the flightpath.

That,s enough vitriol for tonight. January while it has been a very damp squib has held for me some happy moments as well as some truly sad ones and I expect we can all say as much.

As children at school we were taught a rhyme about the weather one could expect in the different months. February's was..February, fill dyke, meaning heavy rain. Well the dyke is full so perhaps we might have a change, February frost perhaps or February fluffy clouds, I'm off. I can hear the marbles rolling down hill even as I write!

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