Saturday, 5 November 2011


The sense of relief that the much anticipated meeting was not only over but had gone better than I ever could have hoped stayed with me all night. I did not sleep much but with my mind running over all that had been said I was happy and more relaxed than I have been for weeks.
I must have fallen asleep at around four and when my son arrived with coffee I realised anew that today would be a normal blessedly ordinary day and my soul rejoiced.

Once my son was breakfasted and tucked up in bed I made breakfast for Pa and myself and then leaving the dishes I went out to buy a few items of fresh fruit and some more mozzarella cheese. In truth I just wanted to be out in the fresh air for a while to enjoy that last of the autumn colour, I have spent fat too much time indoors of late.

Clearing the breakfast dishes did not take long and the I set about the baking with a will. First the bread, granary today and in the shape of two baguettes, two 2lb split tin loaves a large bloomer and a small English cob topped with sunflower hearts. While the bread was baking I mixed up a large batch of cookies using a new recipe.

4oz butter
2oz caster sugar
4 oz plain flour
2oz dried cranberries
1 oz creamed coconut
1 oz dried coconut

Cream the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy then add the creamed coconut and beat for a minute more. Then add the dried coconut , the cranberries and the flour and mix thoroughly. Roll in to small balls and place on a greased baking sheet leaving room for the cookies to spread, press down lightly with a fork dipped in hot water. Bake for fifteen minutes at 360 oC. Remove from the oven and leave for five minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool.
Today I made four time the amount shown above which made five dozen cookies. Using creamed coconut makes the cookies much nicer be care is needed as the creamed coconut contains fat and if too much is used along with the butter the cookies can become greasy and flat.

I enjoyed today more that I can tell, just to be doing normal things, pottering around the kitchen and chatting to Pa was a t=real treat after weeks of battles with the Estate and the local council. I know that soon I shall have to return to the fray but for a day or two I shall enjoy being quietly at home.

My son leaves for his holiday on Monday morning and as he will leave straight from work I shall not see him again when he leaves for work on Sunday not until the following Sunday evening and how I shall miss him. Yet I am glad for him to go, he needs peace and solitude every bit as much as I so who better than I to understand that need. He will be spoiled by the two lovely ladies who run the hotel where he stays and the peace of those wonderful homeland hills will sooth and calm my poor boy.

I received a surprise present today, a beautiful leather handbag from my son. It has lots of pockets and compartments to make organising things easier and it is so gorgeous I a=cannot believe my luck. I thought he meant it for a Christmas gift but He wanted me to have it today, which of course I was happy to do. It has been years since I had a new handbag and I never ever had one half as nice as this it really is stunning.

My little cat has been nervous all day because of all the strangers we had in the house yesterday. After they left we found her hiding under my bed and when eventually she plucked up courage top move she stood at the top of the stairs, lifted up her voice and howled like a banshee. Today she is careful to peep round the door before entering and when she does she scoots off upstairs pronto as if a wolfhound was after her, poor puss.

She will feast on cods roes tonight which I hope will take her mind off recent events.....we shall see.

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